Things to think about

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"Lucas... I was thinking-"
All my attention turns to her. We were sitting on the grass in the only patch of sun beaming through the thick trees on the campus yards, the sun shimmered on her hair giving it a reddish shine.
She drops her head and a strand of hair falls from behind her ear distorting my view. I scrunch my eyebrows together.

I don't like that.

My hand reaches steadily twords the strand and she freezes in response. Allowing me to finish my gesture and not simply out of fear, thankfully since most of the kids here  seem to associate me with fear. Granted, I did earn that title myself after knocking Casey Wells into the hospital bed, but do I regret it? No. The asshole was caught red handed in the girls bathroom waiting for his victim hiding in the stalls.

My eys catch sight of her face, erasing the current images of Casey's bloodied face.

She bites her bottom lip anticipating her words.

"I was thinking that maybe you'd fight again if we could get you a sponsor. Not that I think you can't afford it, but fighting with a sponsor on your side should prove helpful, and lets face it any person with a brain and even a tad of empathy would allow my words from the other day to sink in, and what if I never get to see you fight-"

Those few words had my thoughts running at a 100 miles per hour.
What if she really never got to see me fight.

Shit! This means going through withdrawal, getting back in to shape and hopefully bribe someone to be my coach.
Cause face it. Having me on your side wouldn't exactly bring you crowning glory.


"Huh?" Her eyes sink into mine with realization of my agreement.

"Let's do it."

A wide smile spreads across her face and dimples decorates her cheecks.
She lights up like a kid that's just been told they're getting a puppie.

"Really?" She shrieks and falls in to my arms without hesitation and I welcome the sudden gesture.

"Yeah, I mean... wouldn't want you dying without ever seeing someone kick my ass, nou would we?"

She pulls away abruptly and the same adorable scrunch forms on her nose as she balls up her fists and hit me with the force of 10 mighty mice.

"Hey, stop it! Im in no fighting condition yet!"

"Yeah well, im not planning on dying any time soon so suck it up!"

And with that the bell signals our being late to class.

"C'mon little miss feisty-"

I brush my hair back with one hand and carelessly pull her up to her feet alongside me.

"If we don't go now we'll miss out on our torture."

She rolls her eyes at me as we make our way to our class.

She was seated two rows from me. Her posture relaxed and her head leaning onto her left hand.

She didn't even need to focus. I knew she was a straight A student, no doubt.

Me on the other hand I had a record of continuous F's and who am I to break the score streak. I slide my chair back with unnecessary force and the screeching turns the rooms attention twords me. Most of them only scowled in my direction, but only Bree had the guts to do something about it. Well thats not true. Partly yes, she did indeed have balls of steel, but she's no idiot and likely added 2 and 2 and soon enough figure out that she's the only one who'd get away with throwing me against the head with a highlighter.

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