50 - Don't Forget To Pay Your Bills

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Song Shiyu never thought that Ji Fanyin would reject him.

No, to be more exact, he did consider the possibility of being rejected, but he hadn't expected Ji Fanyin to be this heartless.

"Wait a moment!" Song Shiyu subconsciously stood up and attempted to grab Ji Fanyin's arm, only for the latter to swiftly dodge his hand.

"Haven't you already said what you wanted to?" asked Ji Fanyin with raised eyebrows. There was a haughty look on her face, giving her a completely different air from before.

This was not the Ji Fanyin he knew.

Song Shiyu couldn't tell if the one he was unable to let go of was the Ji Fanyin who liked him or the heartless Ji Fanyin in front of him. All he knew was that he couldn't let Ji Fanyin leave right now.

There were so many words bubbling in his chest, but some kind of mysterious force stifled everything in his throat, making him incapable of words. In the end, he could only mutter, "Are we... still friends?"

"Of course not," replied Ji Fanyin in bewilderment. "We weren't friends in the past, we aren't friends now, and we'll never be friends."

"So, I'm just... someone whom you used to like?"

"You're a fi... client. A client."

Song Shiyu didn't pay much attention to Ji Fanyin's abrupt change in terms. He racked his brain for the correct words to remedy the situation. "I know that I've done a lot of overboard things to you in the past, but from now on..."

"You'll change?—Is that what you're going to say? That has nothing to do with me." Ji Fanyin picked up her bag and flung it behind her. "Song Shiyu, I'll repeat those words one last time. The person who liked you is already dead. You'll never see her again. Do you get it now?"

Her words were so calm and soft that they sounded disparaging.

"Don't say that you're in love with me. That's the most hilarious and revolting thing that could come out of your mouth right now."

The shocked Song Shiyu staggered backward and bumped into his chair.

This was too much for him to bear. Even though he knew that it was just a metaphorical expression, for some reason, it felt like the shy and demure Ji Fanyin he knew was really dead. It was another person standing in front of him, criticizing him on her behalf.

"You said..." Song Shiyu felt like a fishbone was stuck in his throat. "You said that you would always forgive me no matter what I said or did."

"That must have been wonderful." Ji Fanyin laughed. "It must have felt amazing to have someone who stayed by your side even when you hurt her again and again."

Song Shiyu was rendered speechless. He could only watch helplessly as Ji Fanyin left his residence with light footsteps.

There was nothing from her at all. No nostalgia. No anger. No sorrow.

She just... left.

"One last thing. No matter how upset you are, don't forget to transfer me my money."

Song Shiyu raised his head, only to see the door slamming shut.


It was already snowing outside when Ji Fanyin reached the ground level of Song Shiyu's apartment. She felt exhilarated to have put Song Shiyu in his place, but she felt that she should seriously consider hiring a bodyguard.

It was a little funny how she had prepared so many tools, only to forget her umbrella. Left with no choice, she could only raise her coat above her like a hat. She looked into the sky dazedly for a while and muttered, "What a Christmas it is."

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