53 - What About the Time You Have Spent With Me?

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(Rewinding time a day back from Ji Fanyin and Song Shiyu's date.)

Bai Zhou thought that he had taken to heart Ji Xinxin's request for him to never meet Ji Fanyin again. He couldn't stop himself from checking that darned little app from time to time, but he did hold himself back from making a reservation.

Who could have thought that a bastard would reserve Ji Fanyin's entire day in a single breath?

Bai Zhou felt like an indignant shopper on Single's Day. He had already added a heavily discounted big-ticket item into his shopping cart and was considering whether he should confirm it or not when the item suddenly ran out of stock.

Was it Song Shiyu? That disgusting man I met at that banquet? That wheelchair guy in Greece? Or did she further expand her client list, just like how she brought me in as a client?

Bai Zhou watched as the reservation schedule turned from a pending light green into a confirmed olive green within less than a minute.

Goddamn it! Ji Fanyin must be online! There's no way she could have approved it that quickly otherwise! Is she in such dire lack of money?

In a fit of anger, Bai Zhou selected all fifteen hours available for the day after tomorrow, but his finger stalled to a halt before he could confirm his reservation request. Ji Xinxin's words surfaced in his mind, pouring a pail of cold water over his heated mind.

In the end, he threw his phone on his bed out of sheer frustration.

He couldn't break a promise that he had already made.

He stomped to his study table, dragged out the chair noisily, and flipped open his textbook to begin revision.

It was approaching the end of the academic semester, and all of the Year 2 students were going to face an onslaught of examinations. Bai Zhou was no exception to the rule.

Bai Zhou's roommate looked at him curiously and asked, "Didn't you say that you can pass the exams without revising?"

For some reason, Bai Zhou found himself recalling how Ji Xinxin said that Ji Fanyin used to be incredibly good at her studies, but she had given up on herself somewhere along the way.

He used to believe those words at face value, but right now, he felt that even Ji Fanyin's diffident appearance was feigned!

"Is passing all that matters?" spat Bai Zhou with gritted teeth. "I'm aiming for full marks!"

The roommate was baffled by Bai Zhou's sudden declaration. He clasped his fist with feigned respect and said, "Wow, I never thought that you would have that in you. All the best... Are you sure that you aren't just agitated over something you saw on your phone?"

"Agitated your head!" Bai Zhou flipped a page on his book. "Why can't I be passionate about my studies?"

Only those who were born with a good temper could become Bai Zhou's roommate and still get along with him.

The roommate scratched his head. "Alright, alright, whatever floats your boat. Ah right, didn't you ask me about Chen Yunsheng a while back?"

"Who?" asked Bai Zhou. His eyes were still fixed on his textbook.

"Chen Yunsheng. That senior who's a year older than us. You marched up to me the other day looking like you were going to murder someone and asked me a bunch of questions about him. You forgot about it?" The roommate was dumbfounded.

Those words successfully evoked Bai Zhou's memories. He immediately turned his head over and asked, "What's wrong with that fellow?"

"Someone in my chat group said that it's his birthday tomorrow."

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