100 - Emotional Damage Compensation

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Ji Fanyin arranged the scene for the final closing theater, but he did not plan to go to the scene to watch the show.

On the second day after returning from Li Xiaoxing, Ji Fanyin asked the industry veterans in the studio, and it was easy to know that Cen Xiangyang's crew suddenly took a day off.

According to Ji Fanyin's estimation, the 10 billion goal should be reached tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

So Ji Fanyin started the daily routine of refreshing the app progress every ten minutes without leaving his mobile phone.

The little girl in the studio couldn't help asking her: "Is the boss in love? Why do you keep looking at the phone?"

When she asked this, it happened to be the internal tea time, and most of the studios were fishing for snacks.

As soon as the words were spoken, both those who were fishing or working looked up at Ji Fanyin, and even the one who was about to go to the bathroom couldn't help but stop.

Ji Fanyin had just been watching the progress of the large number of digital reasoning events in the account, and he was startled when he heard the question, and laughed. "I'm not in a relationship, I'm watching a very important progress."

"That's good." The little girl patted her chest in relief, "The boss belongs to everyone! If the boss had a boyfriend, he wouldn't be so philanthropic to buy us food every day!"

Ji Fanyin played with the phone and laughed.

She likes the working atmosphere here, which is very similar to her own personal studio before.

Afternoon tea time passed by, everyone clapped the food scraps on their hands and returned to their work.

Without exception, Ji Fanyin walked towards his office, and then suddenly received a message from Zhang Ning.

Zhang Ning, a fighter who lives on the front line of gossip, sent Ji Fanyin the latest developments in real time. [Ji Xinxin is gone, and Li's family is checking the surveillance video of entering and leaving the hospital.]

Ji Fanyin raised his eyebrows, unexpectedly Cen Xiangyang's efficiency was quite high.

But the big drama over there has nothing to do with Ji Fanyin.

It might even be her last day to work today.

Ji Fanyin turned off the laptop after finishing the last two official affairs of the day, and got off work on time after six o'clock.

"Are you going home?" asked Shen Qi, who happened to be passing by.

"Yes," Ji Fanyin stepped out of the office at a brisk pace, and then said on a whim, "You can tell me another cold joke."

Shen Qi looked down at his watch.

Ji Fanyin waited for him patiently.

About ten seconds later, Shen Qi said: "It is 6:6:6 on June 6th. It is a very lucky date."

Ji Fanyin blinked his eyes first, and then laughed out: "You worked very hard."

Shen Qi helped his glasses: "Indeed."

"Go, bye." Ji Fanyin patted him on the shoulder.

"Safe journey." Shen Qi replied.

Ji Fanyin took a few steps, twisted his eyebrows slightly, and looked back at Shen Qi.

But Shen Qi has already turned his head and left, as if the phrase safe journey is just an ordinary goodbye.


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