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~ K I N S L E Y ' S   P O V~

"How can you be so selfish!" He said in a low voice. I shivered, "How could you be so fucking selfish to do that after we already told you once not to fucking do it."  He yelled this time. His grip tightened around my arm as he pulled me off the ground.

"I'm sorry sir I really am please" I begged. I knew what was happening. It happened every time I did so much as breathe at the wrong time.

"You say sorry then continue to do the same things over. and, over. again." He said, a fist connecting with my ribs after every word.

I groaned in pain, my already bruised ribs were already sore and hurt, how much more could they possibly take?

He lead me downstairs into what he called "the playroom." The unimaginable would happen in this basement.

Tonight was one of the nights that his friends decided to go along and do everything he would do.

He would call it "triple the fun."

"Sir please, I promise to be good, i'll do anything please." The tears were now apparent. "If you would do anything, this is what you're going to be doing." He said, his voice turning cold.

I was thrown onto to mattress. "God you are such a s-"

I gasped for the air that was suffocating me from under the blankets. Fuck you nightmares, find someone else to haunt.

   I caught my breath, before getting up to get a start to my lovely morning.

Mornings. Mornings were like a punch in the face from reality. Mornings to me, were a repeat of the previous days i've just finished.

I finally got out of the twin sized bed, now a mess from me sleeping in it. I walked over to the window, the blinds covered the sun light, begging to be let in.

I opened it slightly to be blinded by the sun. I'm happy Washington decided to have a happy sunny day on the day I needed it most.

Last night, before I stormed out of the office, Officer Brown told me my father would be arriving at around 9:30. It was currently 6:17 and I had so much time prepare myself.

I started preparing myself by getting the change of clothes I kept in my bag for emergencies. It consisted of a pair of jeans and a black shirt. I would of course wear my hoodie that I wore every other day also.

It was simple but it was also one of the few things I actually owned. Sure I had bought or even stolen things but it was never anything that I truly needed. It was only a want.

If you would have been in the same position as I was, you would realize, in order to stay alive, there was no time for wanting anything. It was only filled with needs that barely got filled.

   Suddenly, there was a knock on the door breaking me out of my thoughts. Officer Brown walks in, a smile present on her face. "Good morning Kinsley! How are we this morning?" She says, more cheerful this morning.

   "Tired." I said truthfully, she shook her head, "nonsense, it's a great day today!" she said, "Now, come with me, we have an hour to talk before your family gets here!" She said, half dragging me  out of the room.

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