Alternative Ending

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Alternative ending
Third Person POV

Summertime. The warm breeze sifting through the leaves and branches of the tallest trees, the families of 3 or 4, sometimes 5, taking a stroll down the sidewalk after their family meal. The children laughing and cheering as they ride their bicycles past, waving at whomever they passed.

For most, summer was a time to take a break from all the stressful times they had had work, or a small 2 and a half month break from school.

Keaton sat on the bench in the park. The park that many stopped coming to some night back in April. He sat in his basic everyday outfit, the black basketball shorts, white hoodie, and some beat up Retro Jordan 4s.

For some 60 odd days, Keaton has shown up to this park at the same time. His daily morning ritual consisted of walking to the coffee shop at the center of town to order 2 coffee's. One a black coffee, the way he liked it, and an Iced coffee, for Kins.

After his coffee stop, he would walk to his bench in the park, sit in the exact same spot the exact same way, and drink his coffee as the sun rose above the tree line. The ice in the other coffee would melt as he sat there throughout the day. Kins was never able to make it to the park in time to drink her coffee.

He always ended up taking the lid off the cup and dumping it in the grass. "Here," He would say. "Ill be back tomorrow." And he would. Wearing the exact same clothes, with the same coffee order, at the same bench in the park.

But the park wasn't a park. Keaton only said it was so he wouldn't have to think about facing reality.

See, the park was a graveyard. The people stopped coming to the "park" that one day back in April because it was time to head home after Kinsley's funeral. Keaton was the only one to visit his girlfriend.

On special occasions, which was almost every weekend, he would bring her favorite flowers and set them in the vase attached to her headstone. Sometimes he would bring a stuffed animal, or a figure made out of glass. The past couple of times he had done that, someone stole them. He still brought them tho. He didn't care, as long as she had something pretty sitting there while he was there.

Roman told him it was unhealthy for him to sit out there everyday for so long. He told him to get over it, shes gone, you can't bring her back. Keaton had blamed himself for everything.

If he wouldn't be so controlling, Luca wouldn't have had to go to therapy. Matteo wouldn't have to work so hard to figure out which mafia killed his sister. Andre would be able to sit down and crack a couple of jokes with her. Rodrigo would be able to play all the games with her that she missed out on throughout her childhood. Daniel would have someone to talk about cars with.

The cousins would have their only girl cousin to spoil with their riches and the uncles would be up at the crack of dawn making sure she slept through the night. The aunts would be able to have a cup of coffee and talk girl talk with their only niece.

Tate would have his best friend, and Jhett would be able to do what he loved to do with his job. Keaton would have his girlfriend. The girl he promised to have a life with. He promised to keep her safe and to show her what real love was.

He had promised that something like this would never happen, that her family wouldn't have to feel dejected. He felt guilty for what had happened to her because he was careless.

So he would sit at the "park" for hours in her honor. He would stare at the ground, then up to the sky. He would talk about only the good things, incase she was listening.

"I promise to see you again soon, my love. Until we meet again."


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