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K I N S L E Y ' S P O V

After the boys argued on what car to take for almost ten minutes, we all decided to take the car that would hold all of us comfortably and that was the van.

   I was sat next to Roman and Rodrigo which I haven't really talked to much. I noticed Rodrigo was probably one of the more quiet and mysterious brothers. Roman definitely had some anger hidden behind his calm self.

"Can we play 21 questions i'm already bored." Daniel said, leaning his head against the passenger head rest. Luca looked at him as if he had just said the stupidest thing that he could have said.

"We just left the damn driveway." Luca said, returning his gaze towards the road. "But i'm down."

"I'll play." Rodrigo said, looking out the window. "I guess." Roman mumbled. I looked at the ground, not really knowing if I wanted to play or not. It would be a great chance to get to know them.

When I looked up all four of my brothers were staring at me, waiting for a response. "Kins are you playing?" Daniel asked. I nodded in response and waited for the next instructions.

"I'll start this shit." Rodrigo said, earning a hard glare from Luca, "Watch your language." Is all he said, diverting his eyes back on the road. "Okkk, umm Daniel bro, which one of us is your favorite brother." Rodrigo asked, a smirk sat on his face.

"Definitely Rome because he doesn't talk as much as you." Daniel answered, quickly. "Ha what about that." Roman said, earning a punch on the arm from Rodrigo. "Whatever, Dan go."

Daniel scoffed and looked at Luca. "Uhhh Rome, which car is your favorite?" He asked, turning in his seat. "Like at the house of just in general." Roman asked, "In general."

Roman was quiet for a second, thinking about it very thoughtfully. "It'd probably be the Mercedes-Benz AMG GT." He answered. "Matte black." he said, a blank look on his face. "Really! I was thinking the McLaren Senna." I blurted out before I knew I had said it.

Roman turned his head towards me, looking at me as if I were an alien. "You know cars." He said, a smirk now rested on his face. "Of course, I used to read stuff about them all the time when-" I stopped, "In school." I finished.

"I don't know what either of those are but Romes car sounds cooler than whatever you said." Daniel said, turning back around in his seat. "Your turn big guy." Daniel said, hitting Luca in the arm.

"Don't touch me. But uhh Kinsley. What was your life like back at your old house." Luca asked, looking at me through the rear view mirror. Before I knew it i once again had all four brothers looking at me waiting for an answer.

"It was okay I guess." I said, not wanting to go back in memory. "Just ok? Like nothing eventful happened?" Luca asked, almost like he could see right through me. I simply nodded and looked out the window, wanting to end that conversation.

"Alright, were here." Daniel said, unbuckling his seat belt and opening the door. This mall was huge. Bigger than the one we had back home. This one was three stories with lots and lots of windows.

"Come on." Rodrigo said, grabbing my hand. As we walked into the mall, all eyes were on us. I moved my eyes to the ground, avoiding all possible stares. That's when I realized Rodrigo still had hold of my hand and I half appreciate him for that.

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