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M A R C O ' S P O V

   I walked off the plane, my bags in hand. The black BMW came around the corner and halted in front of me. "Mr. Russo glad to see you back sir." Jones said from the front. "Jones, a good man. How's it been." I asked him, placing my bag in the back.

   "Oh it's been well sir." He said shaking his head. "And the girls?" I asked him. He nooded, "They're doing great." It was quite for a few minutes. "How was the business trip." He asked. Oh yea, my 'business trip.' "It went well, worked everything out." I told him, stepping in the car.

   "Very well sir." He said. "Straight home?" He asked. I nodded, helping myself to some whiskey that sat in a cooler.

   The ride was fast, seeing how I slept most of the ride. We pulled up to the gates and I could practically hear them screaming from by the door. "Thank you for the ride Jones." I slipped a few hundreds in his hands. "Take care sir." He placed my bag in front of me. I took a deep breath and walked up the path to the front door.

   "Where the HELL have you been." Matteo asked, slamming me into the wall. "Hello to you to son." I said, dusting him off of me. Except he didn't budge. "No. No I want to know where the hell you've been." He said through gritted teeth.

   "Business trip boy, now this is no way to treat your father." I told my boy. "Business my ass. It's always fucking business, father." He said coldly. "I don't know what your fucking deal is boy but it needs to disappear." I told him, breaking out of his hold.

   "My deal is that i've basically taken YOUR place in this house. We've all called YOU many times. When were you even going to come home, come help us find YOUR daughter?" He asked.

   I shook my head, "I told you, I was on a business trip. I was gonna come home eventually." I said. I get that he's angry, I understand that, I do, but he's not letting me talk.

   "Has uhh-" I paused, clearing my throat. "Kins, has she been found?" I asked him. "Why do you all of the sudden give a fuck. I don't think I'd let you see her if we did." He said, turning around and walking away.

   "Wow son. You've changed a lot." Matteo stopped dead in his tracks. "I don't want to hear that i've changed when clearly you don't give a DAMN about any of us here. Go back to your whores house, father, We don't need you here." He said, walking up the stairs.

How does he know?

K I N S L E Y ' S     P O V

   The call went silent, I thought he had hung up. "Hello?" I asked. "Sick fuckin joke bastard." He said.

   "No no no. Jhett i'm serious." And cue the water works. I didn't even want to cry. "Kins, it's really you?" He asked in a lighter tone. I nodded but remembered I was on the phone. "Yes. And I- We need your help as soon as possible." I told him.

   I heard a jingle of keys. "Where are you at right now?" He asked, slamming the door behind him. I looked at Keaton. "Where are we?" He looked up at the green street sign. "Fort Worth and Blackwood." He said, going back to the guarding.

   "Intersection of Fort Worth and Blackwood." I told Jhett. He sighed very loudly. "I'll be there soon." He said. I went to hand up, "Oh and Kins," he said. I brought the phone back to my ear. "Yea?" I asked him. "Don't get yourself killed while i'm driving to you." He said and then hung up the phone.

   I felt like I could fall asleep so I laid my head on Keatons shoulder. He looked over at me, "Hey, don't fall asleep just yet. We need to get your head checked out." He said. I was feeling dizzy and really really tired.

   "I feel dead. Im fucking hurting." I whispered. Talking hurt the most. I was always out of breath and I had something going on with my mouth. My abdomen is black and blue with many cuts scattered along. I could tell my wrist was broken and there was something wrong with my left leg.

   "I know Kins. I'm fucking hurting too." He put his head on top of my head. "What hurts on you?" I asked him. I shivered a little but I don't think he noticed.

   "Have you seen my face? Its black, blue, and purple. I've got cuts everywhere. My head is pounding and hurts like hell. My shoulder is fucked and I still have a bullet lodged in my leg. I can't breathe without it hurting. They definitely got you the worst tho." He said, situating himself in a more comfortable position.

   "Anything I can do to help?" I asked him. He shook his head, "Just sit here with me and don't fall asleep." He said. I nodded and closed my eyes for a couple of minutes.

   "Can you check the date on the phone?" He asked me. I pulled the phone from my pocket. "September 23." I told him and placed the phone next to me on the bench.

   "There's a ball in about two weeks time. Whenever we get back home," he paused and took a deep breath. "I want to be your date, if that's alright." He said, drawing circles on my thigh with his finger.

   "Am I going to be alive by then?" I asked him in a joking manner. "I sure hope so." He chuckled then took another deep breath.

   Home. I wonder what my brothers are up to. And why haven't they made a damn move to find us yet? Will I be able to forgive them? Probably. I miss my room, and my cousins.

   Just then, we heard the rumble of Jhetts sports car. Keaton and I quickly jumped up and stood by the curb. Jhett parked the car and literally flew out of it. He gave Keaton the biggest hug a guy could ever give. "Cant. Breathe." Keaton couched out.

   "Sorry. I- Oh my lord I thought you guys were dead." he said, moving to give me a light hug. "Well maybe we are. Maybe were like ghosts right now." I told him. "Shut up Kinsley." He said and laughed. 

   "Ok, I loved the reunion but I really need a hospital like as soon as possible." I told Jhett. "Oh of course! Hop in lets go." He said, jumping in the driver side.

   I got in the back expecting to be by myself. Keaton also jumped in the back of the car, sitting right next to me. He pulled my legs onto his lap and told me 'not to close my eyes because i'm not aloud to go to sleep yet.

But of course, I didn't listen.



Two chapters in one day. Am I sick?

Let me know what you're thinking, if i should have done this differently. I literally had several ideas.

<3 K

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