Chapter Thirteen

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I do not own Harry Potter or Yu-Gi-Oh! Characters. Only my OC character (s).

I don't make any profit from any of my stories on this website.

Rated M due to language.

"Characters Speaking"
Characters Thinking
/Authors Comments\


Yami gets another shock. "I and...F."

"The same again? Did ya fry ya brains?" Ryuichi questions in disbelief. The lights turn off. "All that electricity caused the breaker to blow."

The lights turn back on. "The backup electricity has activated. Now, continue the game." Yami orders.

"Ya still want to do it? Well, fine. Only five cards left." Ryuichi taunts. "G and..." The card turns to show a five. "Great! Five. The card you kept pulling!" I see Yami narrow his eyes as Ryuichi stands up. "In other words, the other five card is F." The card turns to show the Joker. "What? Joker?" He sits down. "I see. When the electricity was cut...the cards automatically switch around." He looks at Yuugi with wide eyes. "This was what ya were after!"

Yami smirks. "Looks like you're not the only lucky one. Now that you've picked Joker, all your cards are mine. get all the electricity in one shock."

Ryuichi gets a massive electric shock. He lets out a sound of pain. His chair is lowered and breaks, and he lands on the ground, the shock still surrounding his body.

I sigh as Yami gets out of the chair and gives control back to Yuugi. We meet up with the others and head back to our store.

We all crowd around the TV as the game show comes on. "Big money! Game de Get show! TV viewers, this week..."

"Damn...Fuwa, that bastard. Today will be his tenth win." Jounouchi curses.

"Now, finally, the champion. The game is the same as electric roulette. The challengers have gotten two! It should be a piece of cake for the champ!" It slows down and stops on 1. "Oh! What?! It's one!"

"That can't be!" Ryuichi denies.

His chair is lowered. "Unbelievable! The miraculous champion has lost!"

The chair suddenly breaks, and Ryuichi lands on the ground.

"What?! The chair broke!" Jounouchi exclaims, surprised.

"Fuwa-kun's lost his luck, it seems." Yuugi comments.

"Karma, I think," I add with a soft chuckle.


~~~3rd POV~~~

"It came true!" A male shouts.

A house is on fire, burning heavily. A male was watching with blank eyes. "It came true. The prediction."

Firefighters rush about, trying to put out the fire.

~~~Isis's POV~~~

"Get back! Get back!" A female orders as a large group of them line up on either side of the corridor. A male with lilac hair and a long green cloak stands in the middle.

He lifts his head, and a smirk appears on his face.

A female lifts a finger in the air. "Kokurano-sama is passing by. Open the way!"

Males move out of the way. Females walk by in lines, with Kokurano walking in the middle.

"What is this?" Jounouchi exclaims, surprised.

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