Chapter 12: Empty Words

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Sera came to a stop at a giant stone archway

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Sera came to a stop at a giant stone archway. Above the stone archway was a metal sign, the words 'Victors' Village' written across it, indicating this was District 12's own Victors' Village. She couldn't help but think it looked a little gloomy.

The weather certainly didn't help with dark ominous clouds looming above. Depressing but appropriate, she thought.

She trailed behind her guide, the mayor of 12. Scarus walked beside her, looking annoyed but didn't voice his complaints. The two did occasionally talk but most of the time, he was too busy watching his surroundings or trying to talk to Huxley.

The District 12 mayor stopped outside one of the houses and walked up the stairs leading to the front door. He knocked on it once before awkwardly looking back at Sera's entourage. He cleared his throat then tried again, only to be ignored.

District 12 Victors' Village was a near ghost town with one resident who acted as if he was dead rather than simply living on. She understood him. She did and she didn't need Huxley or Emilia to tell her anything about Haymitch Abernathy. She studied his games as well and remembered how confident and intelligent he was at the beginning. He was the first to find the edge of the arena and discover the forcefield. He used it against the Capitol and made a fool of them.

He won.

But the price of winning came at the loss of his loved ones. All of them, dead. The ones behind the game didn't even try to hide their involvement. All of his loved ones died at the same time. To compare, the rest of the victors who had lost their loved ones as punishment for their disobedience; it happened one by one or in various accidents which were likely to happen.

His tributes would also die gruesome deaths, no matter how capable they were.

The girl from 12 was on par with Sera when it came to throwing knives while the boy had the amazing gift of tracking. She didn't know how he managed to do it but he always managed to track anything, even in the snow where tracks would be covered in the blink of an eye. He always managed to find his way back to the rest of them or find the paths the careers or mutts were walking on.

Naturally, the two were vital members of Sera's anti-career alliance and she was sure the boy from 12 would make it far but he met a very strange and cruel death.

The girl followed soon after.

District 12 was cursed. They were punished for Haymitch's actions and every single year he would be forced to watch children with potential die, no matter what he did.

Sera stood back and played with the sleeve of the jumpsuit that Eos had dressed her in. It was a one-sleeved gray and black leather chiffon piece with white leather poppies stitched near the sleeves. She personally added the white poppies as a sign of respect for the fallen.


Haymitch Abernathy dragged himself out. She could smell the overpowering stench of alcohol and sweat from the half-open door. Her stomach churned and she felt very ill. She had to take a few steps back before she threw up.

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