Chapter 59: Enemy of my enemy

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Blackout curtains drawn and the only exit and entrance locked shut, everyone in the room gathered around the screen

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Blackout curtains drawn and the only exit and entrance locked shut, everyone in the room gathered around the screen. On the other side of the screen was that woman. The woman, Sera, wasn't sure if she trusted or feared her. She was different from Snow but too similar at the same time.

Oddly calm and in control just like Snow. The one thing that set her up were the sudden moments of kindness that Sera was sure were an act but it was so genuine that it even had Zephyr fooled in the past.

President Alma Coin was a very confusing woman, so damn hard to read. Sera didn't know how to label her in her mind. To Sera, it was even strange addressing her as a President. Like she'd declared Thirteen independent of Panem, unlike the other Districts who referred to their heads as Mayor.

"Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark's win is a win for us all." Plutarch took the center stage with Sera right next to him. "We can move on to the next step and start gathering for the next step."

"And that's all I needed to know." President Alma Coin gestured to something off camera without taking her eyes off Plutarch even once. "Your side has been telling me to be patient for years and I've been patient, more than patient. My people were getting antsy about your delay."

"There was no delay." Beetee stated firmly. "We were just waiting for all the pieces to fall into place."

"You've waited over a decade, a few more months should be nothing." Zephyr chimed in. His lighthearted comment actually made Sera shut her eyes and purse her lips.

Any other person might've ignored it but Sera knew that Alma Coin was not one of them. That woman held a grudge and would pick apart even the littlest of mistakes.

President Coin's ice-cold eyes hardened. "While you were all waiting, my people were dying." She spat out. "I should remind you that while the rest of the districts managed to live above ground, live off the land and rations from the Capitol, my people had to resort to scraps. We had to grow our food in labs for years before we even managed to get an underground farm going on."

The temperature in the room dropped by several degrees following Coin's rant. Wiress hugged herself and looked forlornly towards the dead fireplace. The culprit of Coin's anger, Zephyr was unphased like always.

'The other districts also suffered.' Sera wanted to say and the more she thought about it, Thirteen didn't suffer nearly as much.

There were artificial food shortages in 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. District 6's morphling addiction and District 5's silent problem of radiation poisoning from failed attempts to create a nuclear power station and random droughts that killed many from the Slog.

'And of course, the Hunger Games.'

Thirteen had scurried to live underground but it was the rest of the districts who had to send their children to die, not Thirteen. They managed to keep their weapons and technology while the rest of the districts were stripped bare of all it had, bleeded dry and left to fend for themselves.

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