Chapter 65: Apologies and Eulogies

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I know I shouldn't be writing this letter so soon after you'd left. Barely three weeks apart but things are not going so well for us. I know you told us not to bother you while you're in the Capitol. I had to.

Talissa had an accident while taking care of the snapdragons. She's not doing too well and if that wasn't enough, Faro came down with a heavy fever.

Miel and I are afraid that he'll spread it to Dia. We've kept them apart with Clarisse taking over your house to look after Dia while I watch over Faro. It's not easy and it's only getting harder with Miel being given extra shifts.

Actually, everyone's been getting extra shifts at the plants, not just Miel. Some plant worker that came around to the shop joked the other day that they wanted to get some aconite from us. I had to tell them we don't sell those things unless he had a prescription for something specific.

It's hard for us and I can't manage both the shop and the kids. Clarisse has been a big help. I'd ask Oran but he's been busy with Mirri, they moved in or something and he managed to snag a job at Clemensia 2, the water plant Miel used to work at before they transferred him over to the wind farms.

I know it's hard to ask but we'd really appreciate it if by some means you or Huxley could come back soon. We really need all the help we can get and I fear for Faro and Dia. They're not the healthiest right now.

Your favorite cousin,

Lennox Fairburn

Unfurling the letter in her hand, Sera read it to herself a few times, memorizing the printed letters and committing them to her memory under the light of the fireplace and artificial lights above.

Nox's letter crinkled under her heavy gloved touch. Talissa had an accident taking care of the snapdragons. She read that sentence over and over again.

Faro was ill. Miel was being given more shifts. Nothing out of the ordinary. Five was always at full capacity whenever the games went on but she paused when she saw Oran's name. He'd been employed at Clemensia 2. That shouldn't have happened given his reputation and run-ins with the Peacekeepers.

They were understaffed. It was obvious that the plants were understaffed but she didn't realize exactly how understaffed they were if someone like Oran had been hired.

She paused again and read the paragraph again. Aconite. Oran wasn't the problem after all. There was just something going on that Five didn't know just yet but they could feel it. Something was coming.

Maybe the Capitol was preparing a defense before the rebellion had even kicked in. She needed to let Plutarch and Beetee or maybe Plutarch already knew. She didn't know.

Thinking about him gave her a headache. All he'd done since the games had begun preparations was ignore her until days and weeks passed and the last interviews with Caesar rolled around.

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