Chapter 60: Trust

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Only when the sun rose did their train leave the station, Zephyr stared out at the rising sun, his eyes bloodshot as he played around with an antiqued pocket watch, almost hidden away in the cover of his dark blue-gray coat

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Only when the sun rose did their train leave the station, Zephyr stared out at the rising sun, his eyes bloodshot as he played around with an antiqued pocket watch, almost hidden away in the cover of his dark blue-gray coat. Sera did nothing but turn pages of an old worn-out book that once belonged to her aunt.

Illustration of flowers and plants covered each page along with printed words in black that were underlined or highlighted. It was accompanied by scribbles that were either done by her late aunt or her grandfather who she never knew. She didn't know but along their notes was her in black ink, blending in with the other scribbles.

"It's stupid." Zephyr said, watching the Capitol station fade out into the distance.

Sera looked up from her book, her pen hovering over the page and her finger pressing down on a folded corner of a worn page. "Is this...about the meeting or the train leaving the station late?" She asked, eying the quiet avoxes in the room, serving them an early breakfast.

"Both." He replied and sighed, drumming his fingers against the table in a loud annoying rhythm. "First, the train. It's ridiculous that they decided to go ahead and give the shiny new victors the latest state of the art, never before ridden, train. We never got that."

She shook her head, folding a corner of a page to mark where she was and closed the book. "You got your own train. I didn't and neither did Huxley and the ones before us."

"Yeah but mine wasn't new and I didn't hold up the other trains. We left on time and didn't delay the other trains."

"You know they add and change stuff every other year of the games, right?

"Oh, yeah. What did you get during yours?"

"An extra boost to the winnings." At least that's what she'd heard Huxley say once. He had compared his winnings to hers, well, Miel did.

Miel compared the winnings as a joke and then made fun of it all. He'd said that the Capitol must've decided to give extra compensation to Sera for her health. She did almost die many times in the arena without her fellow tributes doing much.

"That's it? Kinda lame, if you ask me."

"I'd take the extra money over a shiny new train that I'll ride only a few times any day." She said dryly. "Besides, I liked sharing the train with other passengers when I won. It really helped me settle back in." And Finnick's face appeared in her mind. She still couldn't forget that night even if she tried. It was equal parts bad and good but she wouldn't erase it even if she had the choice.

"Money is good but come on, it's a new train. There's so much to see." He leaned forward and shut the pocket watch with a quiet click. "I just know there's gotta be something more to those new trains—"

"And you're making this a bigger deal than it is." She fired back. "I get it, our train left the station later than it was supposed to. Give it a rest, will you?"

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