Chapter 10

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We arrived at the party, muffled music coming from the other side of a sliding metal door.

Stiles was animatedly talking to Scott about the strange key that had appeared on his key chain while I was trying my hardest to avoid Stiles, which I think he noticed.

I was so scared and nervous to talk to him that whenever he tried to start up a conversation I would immediately shut him down. I wasn't trying to be mean; I was just so scared I was going to mess up that I didn't want to do anything.

That was what led Stiles to tell Scott about his mysterious key, because there had been a stiff silence between us, and he didn't like it.

Scott brought his hands to the door and slid it open, his muscles tensing in the process. I noticed Kira staring at them for a bit too long and supressed a smirk.

As soon as Scott opened the door, I was assaulted by the sound of loud, pounding music. There were heaps of people, all covered in paint that glowed in the multicoloured UV lights spread across the ceiling.

Everywhere I looked, there were people dancing, bodies pressed up against one another as they moved in beat with the music.

Most people had their shirts off, intricate patterns painted all across their bodies and faces. To the side, there was a line of people waiting to be painted on, and another group of people who were painting themselves, and each other.

There were a few other people in clusters on each side of the room, either making out, talking animatedly with one another, drinking, or just taking a breather.

I looked around in surprise. I'd never been to a big, high school party like this before, and as I looked around my surroundings, I felt giddy with excitement. This looked like fun.

"It's just a key, right?" Scott shouted over the music.

"Yeah, but its not mine, and I don't know how it got there or what it's for," Stiles shouted back.

I could barley hear them over the seemingly louder than usual music.

"Do you want to leave and figure it out?" Scott asked.

Stiles looked around the party, trying to gather his thoughts.

"Uh-" he was cut off when a girl with glowing face paint covering her lips and body grabbed his face and kissed him.

"Happy Halloween!" she said as she pulled back before getting lost in the crowd.

Stiles stared after her, and I felt my heart splinter. Kira glanced at me worriedly, pity splayed across her face.

That only made things worse for me as I felt tears prick my eyes. Stiles turned to face me, but it was too late. I was already moving through people trying to get out. I didn't want him to see me like this. I didn't want him to see how upset I was over a stupid kiss.

I heard Stiles calling after me but I ignored him, finally making it out of the room and racing down the stairs.

Tears were streaming down my face as I ran as fast as I could. The way he'd stared after that girl made me feel like I didn't exist. He'd never looked at me that way before, and it made me realise how hopeless and stupid I'd been.

I felt crushed, and my heart ached, making it hard to breathe. I wish I hadn't fell for him. I wish I hadn't gotton so attached to him. I wish he wasn't so important to me.

All those years spent together felt like a punch in the guts. All those times I thought he seemed to like me back were just figments of my imagination. He didn't want me.

He didn't want me.

He didn't want me.

He didn't want me.

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