Chapter 15

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"I'm a what?" I exclaimed.

"A Fire Nymph," my mother said calmly as she sat on the other side of the dinning room table.

My mother had driven me straight home, refusing to have this 'talk' until we'd arrived home. When we'd gotton there, I'd sat down on one side of the dining table and my mother and father had sat across from me on the other side.

It was then that my mother had told me I was a Fire Nymph as casually as telling me the weather.

"How am I a Fire Nymph? Is Dad one? Are you one?" I questioned.

"Only females are Fire Nymphs," my dad answered.

"And yes, I'm also a Fire Nymph," my mother added.

I blinked, and then blinked again. I wasn't sure how to process this information.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I finally asked.

My mother and father shared a look before answering.

"The gene has to be... triggered," my mother said slowly, "And your gene hadn't been triggered before now."

"Triggered how?" I inquired.

I already knew that my parents were keeping yet another secret from me. The way they looked at each other made it obvious; I had seen that look plenty of times at school between Stiles, Scott, and all their friends.

"That's not important," my mother said.

"Then what is?" I asked, frustrated.

"Learning how to control your abilities," my mother answered.

"Which are?" I prodded.

"A Fire Nymph can control and create fire and is immune to heat and fire. A Fire Nymph can heal with fire, for example, to cauterize a wound, and can also heal minor burns of others, but bigger the burn, the more energy is taken. Using a Fire Nymph's abilities is healthy for them, but using large amounts of fire at once is draining," my mother explained.

My eyes widened at her words. I couldn't believe I was a Fire Nymph, but it did make sense.

"How is it possible?" I asked, still unable to wrap my head around it.

How the hell are Fire Nymphs real? They're from fairy tales and myths and don't belong in the modern world. Or so I thought.

"There are a lot of things you don't know that are possible," my mother said ominously.

"Like Kitsunes?" I asked.

Both my parents seemed surprised that I knew Kitsunes were real.

"How do you know that?" my father asked.

"Kira figured out she was a Thunder Kitsune and told me," I said.

"Is that all you know?" my mother asked.

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

"Yes," I said. "Why? Should I know more?"

"No," was all my mother said.

I decided to ignore her suspicious behaviour and focus on the other thoughts racing through my mind.

"What should I do about this? How do I learn about my abilities?" I asked.

"Tell no one about it and go on like normal," my mother stated simply. "You and I will have training sessions where you will learn how to control your abilities and learn about your species."

I shuddered at the way she said species. It made me feel inhuman, different from everyone else, and I didn't like it.

"Can I tell Kira at least?" I asked hopefully.

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