Chapter 13

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It was around midnight, and I was wide awake, my mind a blur. I'd tried going to sleep, but I was too awake for that, constantly thinking back to the research I'd found in my parents' office. I wanted to call Kira, but I knew she was probably asleep now, and no one else knew about my problem.

Wrong, I thought as I remembered Stiles and how I'd told him everything earlier that day. I picked up my phone but faltered. He would also be sleeping, wouldn't he?

I just haven't been sleeping really...

Before I could think through it, I sent Stiles a text asking if he was awake. Instantly I regretted it and put my phone back down. He could have been getting precious sleep and been woken up by me. The thought filled me with guilt as I remembered how tired Stiles had been lately.

I went to pick up my phone again and delete the message, even though it wouldn't do much, when my phone lit up from a call from Stiles.

Pleasantly surprised, I answered the phone with a cheery 'hello'. I was answered with heavy breathing, worrying me a bit.

"Stiles? You okay?" I asked, quelling the panic that started to stir in my gut. He was probably fine and just didn't hear me.

"Scott's looking for me," I heard Stiles rasp through the phone.

The panic I had shoved away came flooding back.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked, grateful my voice came out evenly.

"Don't worry," Stiles said. "I don't want you to worry."

If he didn't want me to worry that obviously meant there was something to worry about, and that thought made me worry even more.

"What do you mean Stiles? What's happening? Where are you?" I questioned frantically.

"I don't know. It's too dark. My eyes are stinging though. Something smells really bad," he said. "I have to go or else my phone battery will die."

"Wait, what? Stiles don't hang up! What's going on- "

I stopped mid-sentence as Stiles hung up. I tried calling him again a few times, but he wouldn't answer, causing my stomach to twist nauseatingly.

I thought about the conversation we'd had and how Stiles had mentioned something about Scott looking for him.

I hastily called him, already having his number because Kira had given it to me when she had gotton it, just in case she lost it.

"Hello?" I heard Scott say.

He had answered on the first ring which meant he was obviously awake. Did that mean what Stiles said was true and Scott was looking for him? But why would Scott be looking for him and not the police?

"Scott, is Stiles okay? Have you found him?" I asked worriedly.

"Y/n? How do you know about Stiles?"

"Because he called me and he was acting weird and he told me that you were looking for him," I answered.

"Well, yeah I am. I haven't found him yet though," Scott said.

I bit my lip as I thought of where Stiles might be.

"Have you checked his house?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm actually there now," he answered distractedly.

I heard voices on the other end of the phone and wondered who else was with him, though I didn't ask.

"We're going to the police station now to tell Stiles' dad," Scott said.

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