Chapter 26

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"Don't fight them! It's an illusion!" Stiles yelled.

He took a step towards me and stumbled, but I caught him, and he wrapped an arm around my waist as I balanced him. Inside I was unsettled by how fragile he seemed, but I didn't let those feelings show on my face.

"You have to stop fighting them. It looks real, it feels real, but Scott you gotta trust me it an illusion," Stiles said.

Kira looked to me hesitantly, silently asking me if this was true. I nodded my head in confirmation, and Kira let out a sigh, one of relief, fear, or both, I wasn't sure. Kira and Scott both turned to face the Nogitsune, and the Oni lined up in twos in front of the dark spirit.

Scott took a deep breath and walked towards the Oni, where one of the Oni's blades sliced his leg. Scott flinched, but kept going, Kira following behind him. When the Oni cut her arm she squeezed her eyes shut, her breathe hitching, but she also continued on.

Then Scott arrived in front of the Nogitsune, running at him, and pushing through the frozen doors with a loud slam. Suddenly, we were all running through the school halls, gasping and out of breath. I looked around in wonder. We'd done it. We'd escaped.

"We did it!" I cried out, adrenaline rushing through my veins. Everyone else had smiles on their faces, relieved that we got away safe.

I turned around and kissed Stiles on the lips, my excitement getting the better of me. Stiles kissed me back, his lips soft against mine, sending even more adrenaline through my body. Stiles was still dying though, and he stumbled into me, losing his balance. I grabbed his waist, keeping him upright as he placed his arm over my shoulders.

I looked back to the school doors, and a bit of disappointment seeped inside of me. I'd been secretly hoping that the reason I hadn't felt any desire towards the Nogitsune was because it was over, that somehow the desire had stopped. I realised now that the desire was still there, it was just because everything had been an illusion, so the Nogitsune hadn't really been there which meant I hadn't felt anything.

And that's when I felt it. The familiar pull inside me I felt whenever Void was around. The same want, the same need, that appeared whenever Void was near me, which meant-

I was about to call out and warn the others that Void was near when Scott was suddenly picked up and thrown against the lockers. Kira, Lydia, Stiles, and I all turned around to see Void walking towards us, a cruel smirk on his face.

Before we could do anything, Void gripped Kira's hair and yanked her head back, slamming it into one of the lockers. We started to back away, but Void was already upon us, grabbing Lydia and throwing her aside on the floor, her figure crumpling.

Stiles and I quickened our pace as we backed away, not daring to take our eyes of the dark spirit before us. Void looked at us, his smirk gone and rage glistening in his eyes.

"This was my game. You think you can beat me at my game?" he asked, walking towards us.

"We used a divine move," I said shakily, cursing my voice for trembling.

Void laughed dryly, anger dancing in his eyes.

"Divine move? Divine move? You think you have any moves at all?" he asked us.

He started quickening his pace, forcing us to do the same, but with Stiles in such a bad state, we were stumbling and tripping all over the place, not to mention my reluctance to leave Void and the irritating pull I felt towards him.

"You can kill the Oni, but me? Me? I'm a thousand years old. You can't kill me!" He roared, his face livid.

"But we can change you," I said.

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