3: reality

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"Layla..come on. Wake up"

I yawn, stretching my body, opening my eyes to be met with blue irises, attached to a smiling face.

"I made you breakfast!" the voice says happily.

I smile, a momentary feeling of warmth flooding me.

Until reality sets in.

I quickly crawl backwards, eyes wide as saucers until my back hits the wall.

He chuckles.

"Layla, come on. You're acting funny. I made you food. See!" He chirps.

I look down and see two plates.

Filled with eggs, toast, and fruit.

He grabs a plate, slowly walking over to me and holding it out.

I feel my stomach flipping on itself, begging for food. But I refuse to take anything from this man.

My head shakes side to side quickly.

What if he fucking poisoned it?! He thinks I'll eat food he made?!

He kneels down in front of me

"Come on..please..I thought we could have breakfast together.." He mumbles in a sad, innocent voice.

This man is certifiably insane!

One second he's screaming and choking me. The next he's acting like a small child!

I look up at him with wide eyes, still shaking my head no.

His nostrils flare.

"Layla. I am being nice. Take the fucking food."

He grits out.

Like usual, I refuse. Just staring at him.

I see his hands start to shake. His jaw moving side to side, grinding his teeth.

Then he fucking snaps.

Throwing the plate down, eggs and fruit falling all over me, he grabs the sides of my head slamming it against the wall.

"Why can't you just be fucking nice!" He seethes.

"I made you breakfast and this is how you act!"

He slams my head again.

Black dots coat my vision as I wildly kick my legs trying to get this man off of me.

"Stop! Stop!" I shout.

He leans in close to my face

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