Wait, What?

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After receiving the letter, Cassandra had hastily left the drawing room without hesitation and pondered her situation in the comfort of her room. It was a perfect time for her to slip away as Anthony was too concerned with marrying Daphne off, Daphne was entirely filled with worry at the prospect of marrying Nigel Berbrooke, and Violet was concerned for her daughter and her family's wellbeing if Anthony could not be the title that was thrusted upon him.

This was a perfect time to sneak away as all the attention was off of Cassandra for once, and the other children were left to their own devices. It was a perk of belonging to a big family for sure. It was obvious that she could not sneak out of the front door so easily as servants were constantly roaming the main hall, attending to her family's needs or completing a household task. She knew that she had to slip away through the servant's entrance, hopefully without a hitch.

As the day transitioned tonight and with only the faint glow of the candles to guide her way through the house, Cassandra scaled down the stairs with ease; ensuring that her pretty slippered feet were pretty quiet as she walked carefully through the hall. Checking her surroundings, no one seemed to be about. Perfect.

Anthony usually had hung back to work in their father's study, and it seemed that tonight the study was closed and no light could be seen through the crack in the door. Her mother and brother seemed to have it out for each other this morning after Anthony had shooed every possible suitor away, the matriarch of the family and the head of house had conflicting feelings over what was best for Cassandra and Daphne. Just as Cassandra was making her way to the hallway that possessed her ticket to freedom, she abruptly comes face to face with a figure and she almost screams.

The hand muffled her mouth before she had the chance for sound to escape her lips. It was a small, delicate hand that smelled strongly of ink.

' Shh, do you wish to wake the house? What on Earth are you doing going through the servant's hall?' Goodness, it was Eloise. Taking Eloise's hand away from her mouth, Cassandra mumbled ' I can say the same dear sister, why are you coming through that door? Where have you been and with whom? You wish to wake the whole house by scaring me like that? I can not fathom a harsher punishment than enduring a dreadfully irritated Benedict should we choose to be at a noise level louder than a whisper' she attempted to be serious and stifle a giggle, and same went for Eloise.

' I was just coming from seeing Penelope, but that is no matter. Where are you going?' Cassandra bit her lip, hesitant to tell her little sister the truth. It was honestly better to tell her sister the truth, as Eloise is somewhat of an amateur sleuth, she enjoys being in everyone else's business.

' I must go to Saint James tonight. It is quite a story El, and one that I do not have the answers to your bountiful questions I am sure. You have the option to disclose where I am going to mama and even our brothers should you wish to get myself and you in trouble. Or, you could come with me.' Cassandra's lips twitched into a sly smile, and Eloise thought carefully before her lips gave away her answer. Both sisters donned the same exact smile.

' I am going, without question. I have the pin money.'

And with that said, both girls had exited Bridgerton house quietly and called for their carriage, slipping into the shadows of the night.


Saint James Church was across town, it was not that too long of a ride. Once the carriage stopped, Cassandra had ordered the footman to hide down an alley or a different street if possible. The Bridgerton family was a well known and respectable family, their carriage would be unmistakeable to anyone of the ton.

But before she the footman drive away, she looked her little sister dead in the eyes. ' You are to not follow me, understand? You must stay put. I do not want you in harms way is that clear? Mama, Anthony, and myself would have my head if I ever put you in danger' Cassandra said sternly. With a few huffs and moments of silence in contemplation, Eloise reluctantly nodded. Cassandra felt at ease when given that response by Eloise, as Eloise has a knack for adventure and for mystery.

With a nod to the footman after closing the carriage door, the carriage had left out of sight and Cassandra climbed the steps and stepped inside the church.

Saint James was a church that everyone knew of, just about everyone from the ton flocked to it. Thankfully at this particular time of night, no one seemed to be in attendance. People have come to the church at this time of night to just simply reflect, to bask in ecclesiastic warmth and goodness. Cassandra knew that with the way the ton behaves in regards to scandal and such, they would need all the goodness they can get.

   Her eyes scanned the pews, particularly the fourth pew as she recalled her first letter from her mysterious gentleman. Scanning the room, she hastened to the pew to find no letter. As she was deciding to just head back to the carriage, she heard footsteps coming from outside the entrance.

Attempting not to be heard, she picked up the bottom of her dress and ran as fast and as quietly as she could on the balls of her feet. Thinking quickly, she hid behind a statue of Saint James himself, Cassandra concealed behind the figure and by the darkness.

  Listening intently, she heard a man mumbling to himself. Peeking from behind the statue, she saw the gentleman walking to the fourth pew. The fourth pew. Biting her lip nervously, her eyes were fixated on the mysterious gentleman; eager for him to turn around. Her heart beating so incredibly fast, when the gentleman turned around her heart had felt as if it had stopped.

  The gentleman had looked around to see if anyone was lingering about the church before proceeding to make his way back to the door to leave. Once hearing the door close shut, it was almost impossible for Cassandra to leave from her hiding spot. It felt as if she completely forgot how to function.

   What left Cassandra in a tizzy was not the fact that she was so nervous to meet her anonymous scribbler that she resorted to hiding behind a statue. What left her feeling like an absolute conflicted mess is the fact that the gentleman she had just seen was Colin.

    Rage, confusion, and uneasiness swept through Cassandra and she ran from her hiding place and fled the church, sitting on the steps and tried to breathe. Finding herself in the midst of a storm of anxiety, she struggled to relax herself; to formulate any reasoning why her brother was the one to drop off her correspondence. And her twin brother at that.

    The only luck that seemed to be bestowed upon Cassandra that night is the fact that the carriage was coming her way, and had been making rounds just to ensure that the footman would not miss Cassandra. As the carriage came to a halt and seeing Cassandra in distress, the footman leapt off the carriage and swooped her in his arms; ensuring she safely gets inside the carriage.

' It will be alright Miss Cassandra, I promise.' The footman attempted to console her but Cassandra's thoughts wouldn't let her hear and respond to the kind sentiment. With haste, the carriage made its way home with a worried and confused Eloise and Cassandra in tow.

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