To the Rescue

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Her world faded to black, but that one fleeting moment prior to her fall flashes in Cassandra's mind. That gentleman she saw... who was that? If only she was able to steal a more clear glance of this gentleman, she would be able to deduce who it was. Was the man following her? Was he simply promenading? After all, this was the park. The idea of her gentleman has planted a seed of paranoia in her mind, a seed that has been blooming since the first note she received.

Pulled from the seclusion of her own mind, she woke to the warmth of the English sunshine, with Penelope hovering above her equipped with both smelling salts and a fan feverishly fanning a cool breeze into Cassandra's face. But she was not the only body above hers, a gentleman was on her other side. And this man... the sight of this man left her speechless. She examined every feature. Olive skin, beautifully messy dark brown ringlets swirled atop his head, and then there was his eyes... a piercing brilliant green in the sunlight; changing to a mossy green as he looked down at her.

The pair stared at each other for a few moments, an unspoken conversation was exchanged between their expressions. Cassandra searched her brain for an idea of who this may be, but no family name came to mind. And that frustrated yet intrigued her, as her family knows just about everyone within the ton. She looked into his eyes searching for an answer, but none came to mind. However, his eyes reflected a concern and somewhat of a knowing look, as if to say I know you. Extending a hand, he slowly assisted Cassandra in sitting up and getting to her feet.

As she rose to her feet, she noticed the ton was watching in anticipation of what was going to happen during the whole ordeal. Looking around, mama's looked at her in surprise while gentlemen looked on enviously. Despite these looks, the others erupted into a polite applause. Turning back towards the gentleman, she smiled gratefully. " Thank you for your assistance sir, I was quite literally swept off my feet wouldn't you say? And you did not have to say a single word to impress me." Cassandra let out a quiet chuckle and a warm smile. The gentleman chuckled in return and let out a small smile. " Well, I must say the timing was fortuitous. How fortunate am I to be a knight, not exactly in shining armor though." As he finished his sentence, he gave her a slight bow before continuing to speak. " May I have the honor of promenading with you? I would like to carry out my knightly duties to the damsel that was in distress."

Biting her lip, she contemplated the idea. Although she was going off to spy on her sister with Penelope, there was something alluring about this gentleman. Before she knew it she found herself nodding slowly, a toothy smile slowly creeping on her face. She nodded slightly and took his extended arm, looking over at Penelope who was in awe. Before Cassandra could be swept away by the gentleman, she leaned in close to Cassandra's ear. " Do you know who this is?!" Penelope whispered in a hushed tone. Shaking her head, Penelope replies matter of factly, " that is Prince Fredrick, her Majesty's nephew." So this is the prince that was supposed to be arriving on our shores. Dumbfounded, Cassandra finds her feet set in motion alongside the prince's, and continues her walk in the sunshine. As she passes the family encampments, out of the corner of her eye she sees that same quick blur of a man before she fell.

Cassandra notices the lips of the prince moving, but hears no sound as she tries to scan the area for the blur of the man she saw. From what she recalls, he was dressed in an understated aquamarine jacket. Through the crowd and colors of the ton, she spotted the coat. To ensure to the prince she was listening, she turned back to the prince and nodded with a smile. " So, what is it? You have not provided me with your name, I believe I am owed at least that now that we have been acquainted." Looking into his eyes, she confidently states her name. " Cassandra. Miss Cassandra Bridgerton." Taking her hand in his, he lifts it up to kiss her gloved hand. " Well Miss. Bridgerton, I am delighted to have crossed your path." Instead of her eyes on the prince, her eyes find the bright blue ones that had been watching her this entire time.

Delayed, she smiles. " The pleasure is all mine, your highness."

Through the Grapevine [ BRIDGERTON]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara