ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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 This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This work is inspired by all the mafia stories that I've read, so if any scenes are similar to other stories it's because of that. 

I'll say it again, THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION. There may be some scenes that are not realistic at all but I'll try to make the story as real as possible.

Dust and smoke are everywhere and I took a quick glance at everything around me, people outside were shouting but their voices seem muffled. The carpet is on fire, the walls are literally burning. A huge boom came from the kitchen. My mind is blank, I don't know what to do. I want to scream but no sound is coming out, my chest felt tight and I can hear my heart beating so fast from what happened in the past 10 minutes.

I coughed as the curtains caught on fire. Thick smoke is entering the living room and stinging my eyes. I shut them tight and crouched down with my hand covering my mouth and nose, not allowing the smoke to enter my lungs.

A flame caught onto the sleeve of my hoodie and a sharp stinging pain enveloped my wrist. I quickly took the nearest object which is a vase and dumped all the bellflowers that my mom picked this morning, then I poured the water in it on the part where it caught on fire. I'm pretty sure that my arm is burnt by now.

A figure emerged from the thick smoke and took hold of my hand and dragged me outside, away from the house that is caught on fire. Somebody came over to me and started talking to me, probably telling me that there is nothing to worry about and that I am fine or something. But the only thing on my mind is that my house is on fire and that mom is in there.

I have to get her.

I ignored the woman and made a run back to my home but a pair of hands caught me and dragged me back, away from where my mom is. No, I have to save her, she is still in there!

I struggled to get away from the man's hands but to no avail. He is just too strong and after 5 minutes of struggling, I gave up. The house is completely burned up, the fire gobbling up everything in the place I called home. The firefighters stood their ground and tried their best to control the flames. Many people were throwing sand and dust over the fire. 

I whimpered at the sight, I didn't pay any attention to my surroundings and just stared at the infernal blaze. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks and my breathing quickened and there is a weird sound ringing in my ears. The person who grabbed me is now shaking me, yelling for me to keep my eyes open, I think?  There is excruciating pain in my left arm that I realized seconds before my view became blurry and felt my body go limp.

The red flames are the only thing that I saw before everything went dark.


Beep Beep Beep

Ughh, why is it so dark in here? My eyelids feel heavy and what the hell is up with that noise.

I try opening my eyes but it's like someone has duck-taped them. I try again a few times and finally they opened and I am greeted by a flash of bright light. I shut my eyes immediately and waited a few minutes before opening them again slowly this time.

The white ceiling is the first thing that I saw, then suddenly a woman popped up in my view.

I jumped, her appearance startled me, and my heartbeat is skyrocketing. The annoying beeping of that machine increased. The woman wearing a nurse outfit put her hand on my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down.

"It's okay, it's okay," She said, her voice soothing. Honestly, that did calm me down and I laid back on the bed.

"Am I in the hospital?" I asked, Even though I knew the answer.

"Yes, The doctor will be here in a minute. Rest okay, you need it," She said and exited the room.

I sighed and looked around the room I am in. Memories of what happened flooded, rushing in and making my chest feel tight. I hung my head, I could've saved her. I could have stopped it, all of it but instead I just let it slide by. I am so ashamed of myself.

Before I knew it, I became a sobbing mess. I covered my face in my hands and tried not to make much noise. Tears are streaming down my face and I couldn't control them. I cried so much that I started hiccupping, my eyes turned red and puffy. I heard footsteps right outside the room and I covered myself in the blankets. I don't want anybody to see me in this state, not like this.

"Vivian?", A voice spoke. I am still hiccupping and trying to keep it down.

"I think we should leave her for a moment," another voice spoke in a hushed tone but I can hear everything.

I heard the doors open and close, and once more I am alone in this room.


After some time the doctors came in and did a check-up on me, making sure that I am alright and that I can be discharged.

I am drinking apple juice that the nurse bought me and a police officer entered the room.

" Vivian Peyton?" He said, his eyes holding pity. Well, I don't want your pity.

"Yes," I replied, There is no point in being rude anyway.

"I'm Sherrif Addam, and I am so sorry for your loss. I bought the things that we could salvage from the wreck," He said, holding a plastic bag that contained a few items that I recognized were from mom's bedroom.

"The wreck you're talking about is my home," I snapped, angry at him and angry at what happened, and angry at the whole world. What the hell did my mom do to deserve such a cruel fate?

Tears welled up but I blinked fast so that they don't fall.

"Sorry," I muttered, I shouldn't have done that.

Addam left the bag on the table next to me, " The social service worker will come in 10 minutes, she will ask you for your information. They are also working to see if there are any relatives that you have.," He said and left the room in a hurry.

Great Viv, you just scared off a person at our first meeting. Just great! 

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