ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟚

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A breeze flew by as I closed the door, it was the month of December and it was darn cold here. I rubbed my hands to keep them warm and started setting up the table. Today mom was coming by late and the snow will stall her more. I wish she closes the shop soon and comes home. 

I sat there, waiting and waiting for her to come and knock on the door and see the smile that she gives me daily. The food lay there cold and I was getting sleepier by the minute. Then, finally, it rang. The usual 'rinngg' of the bell, it always scares the shit out of me but today it made me sigh in relief. 

I ran to the door and opened it and saw mom, who had her RBF on. Surprised, I asked," Mom, you okay?" 

She replied," Well, Do I look okay?" 

I whispered, "no,"

"You got your answer then, come, let's have dinner," So we both sat down in awkward silence.

"Vivian, listen," She started,


"Sometimes things have to go very wrong before they can be right, so if anyone irritates you, hit them with a chair," 

I spit out the soup I was sipping on and just stared at her, then she stared at me.

Dunno why that distant memory from when I was 8 is relevant in this horrifying situation, but I just remembered it. 

Alex took a sharp right turn which threw me to the side of the car and my face, unfortunately, met with the glass. I groan in pain and held my poor face and rubbed it.

WTF is going on? Armando then popped out a gun from the glove compartment, switched the stay off, and started shooting with the window down. 

It seems like my brain instantly forgot that it is in danger right now and admiring that slick gun won't do it any good.

"VIV, BRACE YOUR SELF," Alex screamed as the car then took a sharp left turn which again threw me to the left side of the car but, this time I grabbed the headrest behind me and adjusted my position. I immediately put on the seat belt. and breathed hard.

A bullet broke the glass behind me and it shattered into pieces, which drew an agitated scream from me. I bent down as low as I could get and held on to the seat belt as if it were my lifeline. I could see the bullet lodged deep into the seat next to me, a clear hole. It ripped out the leather and into the inside of the seat. I imagined if my head was there a second ago, it would burst into pieces like a watermelon.

The window on my right also burst into pieces and glass shards fell onto me. I shivered as I slowly tilted my head and took a look at what was happening. A guy was in a car, holding a gun similar to what Armando is holding. He was big and nasty, with two big front yellow teeth and howling like a jobless idiot. 

He gave me a smile and I gave him my middle finger.

As far as I saw there are 3 cars behind us and one right next to ours. I am really scared because, well I'll die. I don't want that, I'm too young to die. I still have so many things to do and most important of all, I didn't get a boyfriend yet. I'm not leaving this world without experiencing love. No way.

Alex suddenly slowed the car down and shot that guy in the face and then the driver whose face I didn't see. I flinched and opened my mouth in an O. The blood splattered everywhere, and pink mist jetted away as Alex picked up speed again. Are these really the people with whom I spent like 3 months?  The car slid sideways and rammed into the barrier on the side of the road. 

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