Chapter 08

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<A/n's pov>

The night soon come as Y/n sitting on his hospital bed with Ran sleeping by his side.

After crying his heart out he fall asleep soundly as Y/n stroke his head gently.

The bed is pretty cramp for two people but Y/n don't want to wake the sleepy Ran up.

He keep stroking Ran's head as he look outside.

The moon shine as his room light up abit thank to the moon.

The room is quiet spacious. Ran must have used his money on him again.

This make him a bit guilty to owe him money again.

Ran moved around the bed as Y/n look at him afraid to wake him up.

"It's narrowed in here huh? I'm sorry I couldn't move with all the needle inject in me" Y/n whisper in a low voice.

Ran once again move and whine about how narrowed the hospital bed are.

"I'm sorry sleep tight Ran" Y/n said as he settle down and sleep next to Ran and hug him tight.


*chirp chirp*

The sound of the bird wake Y/n up as he try to sit up but was stopped suddenly by a certain person.

"Stop stop don't move. You must rest" It's no other than Ran which make Y/n quiet happy.

"Ran.." Y/n smiled which constantly melt Ran's heart as he try to pull himself together.

"I bought soup , some onigiri , meat bun , some taiyaki and a vanilla ice-cream. It's your favorite right?" Ran said as he pulled out different food on the patient's table.

"I think it look so delicious. Too bad I can't taste the food. Well Thanks for the food" finish his sentence his grab the bowl of soup and drink it ignore the look of the other party.

Ran look at Y/n eating eventho it tasteless to him.

The tears block his version again. He wiped it as he watch Y/n enjoy the tasteless food.

Y/n finished all his food and smiled at Ran again.

"Thanks Ran"

"There's no need to thank me" Ran said as he look down.

He is too cheap to recieve a thanks from the pale boy on the bed.

"Come here Ran" Y/n extended his arm gesture Ran to come to his hug.

Ran didn't hestitated and run directly to his arm.

"I'm sorry Y/n.." Ran mumbled as Y/n stroke his head.

"Don't be so hard on yourself Ran Look I'm still fine. I'm strong. I'll come back home and make you dinner like before." Y/n said as he pat Ran's back.

He know he could never leave Ran alone. He's too careless.


The door burst open as Y/n was suprise to the sudden noise.

The sound of the heel walk in as Y/n look up.

"Ran you bas- Y/n?" Before she could curse she was shook that Y/n was awake infront of her eyes.

"Yume" Y/n smiled softly at his little sister as Yumeko quickly run to hug him push Ran off the bed make him groaned in pain.

"Y/n-nii... Wah- Please come home *sob sob* don't stay with this bastard *hik* " Yumeko cry as she complained to his brother.

"I'll go out first" Ran said as he walk out of the door.

"I can't Yume" Y/n said with his warm smile. "You finally became a doctor huh?"

"Y-yeah" Y/n wipe his little sister's tear while pat her head.

"You're big now don't cry." Y/n said as he kissed Yumeko's forehead. " My little sister is a strong women. Don't cry"


"No but." Y/n said as he look at her " Your nii-san is fine."

But that didn't stop Yumeko from crying.

"I hate that bastard so much. He made you become like this. He promised to treat you like a prince but now you on this bed all in pain and so fragile." Yume blabing alot while crying on her big brother shoulder.

"It's not his fault Yume. It's mine. I don't take better care of myself" Y/n said as he pat Yumeko's back. "it's was never his fault. It's my own carelessness that bring me here"

"It's not your fault nii-san." Yumeko cry out.

"Stop crying Yume..." It's took Y/n long time to calm her down.

Finally she fall asleep on the sofa with her puffy eyes as Ran walk back in the room.

"Is she asleep?" Ran asked.


"I'm sorry..."

"Not again Ran. I'm fine." Y/n said.

"Don't you come near him!!!" No one know since when Yumeko wake up but her voice echoed the room as she grab Ran's shirt yeet him away from her brother.

"Yume!" Y/n's panicked.

"You don't deserve to even stand next him!!" Yumeko shouted. "You lying bastard. You asshole!!" Yumeko cursed Ran which make Y/n don't know what to do.

"Yume! Go home now!" Y/n said as Yumeko look at her brother and look at Ran.

"You lucky bastard. Only if my nii-san don't have a soft spot for you." Yumeko grab her bag and walk out as Y/n sighed.


"It's okay Y/n" Ran look at Y/n as he lowered himeself to kiss Y/n.

'I deserved that so don't worry Y/n'


The room is silent as Y/n sleeping on his bed while Ran sleep on the sofa since it already night-time.

Today make him exhausted than usual which make Y/n fall asleep fast as Ran sleep not long after his lover sleep.


The door slowly open as the sound of foot-step walk in.

The heel hit soundly on the floor but wasn't enough to wake up the boys.

"Y/n. You thick-faced bastard. You wanna take away the one i loved? I'll make you die" The girl finished her sentence as she pull out a drug syringe and was about to inject it in Y/n arm but was caught instantly by Ran in the dark.

"Who are you!! What are you doing?!"



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