YOU: 9

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AN- sorry for the lateness in updates,, I've been taking an epic break from writing and Wattpad but y'all's comments are really funny and inspiring and I am ready to update again!! But there's something that's been brought to my attention:

It's fine to enjoy yanderes like Marion,, but this isn't something to be desired irl! Love that you love him (or hate him, that's great too) and I'm glad you like the story, but make sure that your interest in yanderes stays a fantasy and something to read!! Please stay safe and don't search for a relationship like this irl!!!

I understand why you'd want a guy who loves you unconditionally (like Marion claims to),, but as you will soon realize: this character (among other yanderes) is undeniably toxic in a relationship and is dangerous!!! Thank you for all of your support though!!!! 💪🤠💕



You find a fluffy towel, clean set of clothes and a small note when you wake up that next morning. The note was from Marion, telling you that you should get washed up and ready for the day. The bathroom was just down the hall.

As you get all your things ready, you notice Estelline is sleeping better than before; her breathing is steady and she doesn't look like a zombie. Her eyes do look puffy from crying, and you wonder what that's all about. But oh well.

You slip out of the room and find the bathroom; it's nothing special, just a small bathroom with blue wallpaper, a single sink and mirror, toilet and shower/bath. No windows. Damn, I was kinda hoping that there was. You slide off your grimy clothes and hop into the shower. For the first time since getting here, you feel kinda relaxed.

But only a little bit.

You really wish you called the police when you did. You massively overestimated this whole situation, and played it off like a joke at first (which is normally how you cope with weird shit.) But now the only thing you can do is try to appease Marion and find a weak spot to strike.

You finish up your shower and leave with damp hair (not knowing where the dryer is.) The clothes Marion gave you were somehow the most shocking part of this experience. Holy shit, this costs more than my own life, you think holding up a white Louis Vuitton tennis dress with trembling arms. You have no idea how expensive it is because Marion cut off the tags, but you know that if you can sell this your groceries could be covered for the next year.

Marion also gave you a fresh pair of underwear, socks, but no shoes. You slide on the dress with extreme care, cringing as the fabric touches your skin. Damn it, why does this have to cost a gazillion dollars?? Now I'm going to be super self conscious! You glance at yourself in the mirror, gritting your teeth.

You aren't looking too good. Your eye bags are extra dark and you look gaunt. You also have been eating very little, so that doesn't help.

There's a knock on the bathroom door. You freeze and feel a pit in your stomach.

"Sweetheart, are you still there? I hope that the dress fits, though I'm sure it would.. I do know your exact measurements.." Marion's muffled voice rambled from outside the room. You briskly swing open the door to see a smile gracing his lips.

Your breath hitches. He was standing barely an inch away from the door and is currently holding a furry baby in his arms. He rubs the cat's head against his cheek and gives a delighted chuckle when it purrs. The cat seemed a little old, there's grey on her whiskers. You resist the urge to try and pet her.

"I wanted to meet Beans sooner or later, being that she's my baby and all. I remember mentioning her in our letters, but now you can put face to name," he said. He extended the cat out for you to hold, which you silently obliged. Soft cat.. you buried your face in her fat, fluffy body. Beans blinked unfazed.

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