39 - Tonight (3)

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^^West Hills

Lillian's POV

Quietly sitting, I stared through the window of Nate's car as Andrew drove us towards my house. I was still shocked from inside by what happened and how I burst out crying. I didn't get why Dexter thought like that. No wonder what the student body thinks and gossips about the Clichés.

Can't they mind their own business as I do?

Is it impossible for a girl like me to be friends with the Clichés?

Why does everyone think there is an ulterior motive for me to be with them?

Just because I'm a scholarship student and not a rich brat like them?

No one has the right to degrade someone like that-

My thoughts were cut off when the car stopped. I looked outside and frowned when I realized it wasn't my house.

"Why are we here?" I asked when I notice we were in the drive-thru of McDonald's.

"We need some ice cream in our system." Andrew grinned and turned towards the mic. "I would like to order two McFlurry with oreo cookies... Regular size." He added.

"Regular size? And two?" I blinked my eyes at him.

"Yup." He said popping the p. "My mom eats ice cream whenever she cries watching a sad movie and Brittany always eats ice cream when she's moody." He shrugged. "And I've heard that ice creams solve all our problems."

Wow... That's thoughtful.

"But I don't have money with me-"

"You always have to do that." He looked at me deadpan.

"I'm not eating from your money." I crossed my arms and looked straight.

"Fine..." I heard him groan as he turned in front of the window. "Pay me later, alright."

I was about to argue, but the counter window opened and the sight of McFlurry made my mouth water. I licked my lips when Andrew extended them towards me.

"I'll pay you tomorrow," I said and took it from him.

I waited for him to pay and drive out of there. He parked his car in the parking lot on the hills, which gave a full view of West Hills. The town was brightened with the lights and it felt peaceful watching it. The sky was dark and a little cloudy, covering the moon shining with the stars. I didn't have my glasses on so the view was blurry. I took them out of my pocket and wore them.

"You should eat it before it melts," Andrew said, getting me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah..." I gulped and began eating. I moaned when the cold, creamy taste went down my throat.

He was right.

Ice cream solves all our problems.

Trying to forget what happened tonight, I concentrate on my delicious ice cream and watched the view in front. I was fully aware of the boy sitting next to me. Now and then, I noticed him glancing at me.

I knew he had questions in his head and I was also glad he didn't ask me because I didn't want him to know what Dexter tried to do.

Closing my eyes, I shook my head a little to get rid of that freak. I was staying away from him all this time and tonight I had to go to the greenhouse with him.

I wish I would have stayed in the house. None of this would have happened. I just wanted to distract myself from Andrew, so I went outside and look where it got me. I was sitting in Nate's car with him...

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