60 - A secret

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Lillian's POV

Leaning back on my palms on the sand, I angled my neck backward and watched the sky. The dark purple night sky shone with millions of tiny stars, which we all knew weren't tiny.

The cool June breeze blew, ruffling my open hair, and I took a long deep breath, inhaling the salty air. I observed the people around me as they roamed the beach happily and was thankful to Brittany for throwing an after-graduation party at her beach house.

Today was the graduation day of our seniors, and it was perfect. Brittany gave her farewell speech in front of the entire school and it was beautiful till the end when she told her mom to f**k herself. Principal Morgan turned red as her hair but choose to ignore her since it was their last day stepping into the high school and she looked grateful for it.

I imagined myself throwing the caps in the air next year as the seniors and I was happy for them. They all graduated together and when my eyes went to the Clichés and saw them enthusiastic about it, I couldn't help the grin on my face.

And that was all because of Brittany.

After Prom night, Brittany was determined to get her friends back on track and for that, she forced them every weekend to spend time at her house together and talk about themselves and their secrets. They complained at first, but after a few times they opened up and I knew they were also done with the burden.

It left like therapy sessions, but the only difference was it was between friends. They had a lot to talk about. No one judged anyone and understood what and why the other did it and in the end, after a month, they were back...

Back to being the Cliché they were.

And now here we were at the graduation party like nothing happened.

My eyes went to Andrew as he stood with Ben and Nate near the snack table.

I couldn't believe it's been more than a month since Andrew and I got back together and this time for real. We took things slowly to get to know each other better and, more importantly, trust each other because we felt like things rushed in the past.

We met under unusual circumstances, liked each other, and eventually fell in love. The change was slow yet so fast for us. After that night, we went on many dates, talked about our childhood, laughed at our embarrassing moments, and discussed our future.

Andrew didn't get into Stanford because his scores weren't enough, which we already knew was a long shot. I was delighted that he tried for me but still didn't get into it. The career counselor advised him to get into the California Institute of Technology for Automotive Engineering.

Andrew's parents were cheerful that he found something he was passionate about. His father didn't force him to pursue law after that, knowing he was finally taking his life and career seriously.

California Institute of Technology was hardly half an hour from West Hills and Andrew got into it easily.

"We'll be only six hours apart." He said, giving me his devilish grin. "I can live with that."

This one year won't be difficult for us since we'll be close, but when I'll get to Stanford next year, I don't know what will happen and I will not dwell on it. Because I've learned to live and enjoy my present with the people I love.

"I can tell there is a war going on there." Andrew cut my thoughts off as he took a seat beside me on the log. "Wanna talk about it?" He extended a red polo cup.

"I was thinking..." I murmured, taking the cup from him. He raised his brows for me to finish. "About us."

"We'll be fine." He wrapped his left arm around me and pulled me to his side. "I'll come to visit you every weekend."

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