47 - April Fools

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^^Hospital private room

Lillian's POV

Andrew is as amazing as he looks.

The whole week, he helped me prepare for my makeup exams. After the classes every day, he sat with me in the library. He taught me maths which I was a little weak in and, to my surprise, Andrew was good at it.

He made me flashcards and help me remember the medical terminologies which I didn't realize I forgot. Even though Andrew hated history because it bored him out, he still listened to me when I read my notes to memorize them.

Andrew is a supportive boyfriend.

That is... if he's even my boyfriend.

I mean, we spent the entire week studying after our first date and never talked about it. Andrew was serious about me and my grades. I was really glad he was there to help and motivate me.

Monday came in a blur and my first makeup exam was history. This time I was guaranteed I'll get an A in it. On Tuesday it was biology, and I was frightened about it since I got a C on that paper. I remembered my invigilator for that exam was Miss Grace and I got distracted by her. But this time I gave the paper with full concentration. The next English Literature also went perfectly.

On Thursday, in the morning when I was at my locker, Louis came running toward me and extended a chocolate bar with a note.

"For you." He beamed.

Frowning in confusion, I took it from him and opened to note. I blushed when I read it and Louis snickered.

'From Andrew ;)'

"Uh... Thank you," I mumbled and was about to put it in my locker, but Louis stopped me.

"Open it."

"I'll eat it at lunch-"

"It will melt till then and I want a bite too." He pouted.

"Alright." I chuckled and opened it but instead of chocolate, it was a piece of cardboard.


"Fooled ya!" Louis pointed at me and burst to laugh as he flew away and I slapped myself for forgetting.

It's April Fools today.

The whole day, everyone kept pranking each other.

Especially Louis.

He planned with two different classes, and they switched the classrooms for the day. When the teacher walked in, different teenagers greeted her in her class. Confused, she went out of the classroom to check if she had entered the right class. In and out she went twice while the students began laughing.

At lunch when I was outside with Chloe and Toby. Toby was covered in glitter. He tried so much to take it off, but in the end, he gave up. Louis placed an envelope in his locker that said 'From secret admirer' but it was a glitter bomb envelope with 'You have been fooled by Mr. Young' written inside.

Chloe cried out when she opened her lunch box and threw it away from her lap. I peeked at the lunch box and saw a fake snake in it. Out of nowhere Louis jumped and shouted April fools then sprinted away laughing like a madman.

"I love his enthusiasm." Chloe sighed dreamingly as she watched Louis and I smiled.

She's so in love with him.

~•~ • ~•~ • ~•~

"How was it?" Andrew asked when I stepped out of my class later that day.

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