59 - Prom

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Lillian's POV

"Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"It's senior prom Chloe," I answered, taking my PJs out of my wardrobe. "I'm not allowed until I have a senior date."

"But you have." She whispered, and my heart pinged again.

"It's over between us."

"No, it's not Lilly." I closed my wardrobe and leaned my back on it. "Andrew is miserable without you and don't pretend you haven't noticed."

I haven't because I did everything I could to avoid him. There was only around a month left before he graduate and then I will never see him again.

The thought made my stomach twist so hard that I want to puke but I ignored it just like my aching heart.

"It was for the better."

"You should think about it, Lilly. A minor bump shouldn't be the reason for a life full of sadness."

"It was a minute we were ok and then the next second we were fighting. Things like this do not work a long way. My parents never fought and look how happy they are."

"Not all couples are the same." She sighed. "And your parents obviously won't fight in front of their daughter. What if they do it secretly? You'll never know."

This was one of the few times Chloe made sense, but I didn't want to accept it. A car honk came from behind her and she whispered.

"They're here."

"Have fun," I said in my best cheerful voice.


"Chloe please." I clutched my PJs to my chest.

"Alright..." she murmured. "I'll call you when I come back."

"Ok..." My voice came out so low that it was barely even a whisper. "Goodbye."

"Goodbye, and take care of yourself, my love." She said, and I hung up.

Taking a deep breath, I placed my phone on the study table and walked out of my room to the bathroom. I did my night routine and changed into my PJs. Standing in front of the mirror, I brushed my teeth and examined my face.

My eyes were puffy and now dry with the number of tears I shed. My nose was red, and a little scraped by all the furious movement of mine cleaning my running nose.

I spit the paste out of my mouth and rinsed it, then washed my face and walked back to my room.

After getting things over with Andrew, I thought I will feel relief from the guilt, but it was the opposite. My heart cried out loud and I couldn't control it as I wept with it. My parents got worried about me and I truthfully told them about my relationship with Andrew and how I ended it.

Mom thought it was stupid of me and a little fight shouldn't ruin something beautiful, but she was wrong. It wasn't about something little; it was about trust.

Andrew and I met in a situation that we didn't have control over. I never imagined dating him knowing his reputation, but I still did. Andrew is a great guy beneath that playboy facade and it made me fall in love with him.

After the fight we had at Ben's house, I knew things were going to be different and before I hurt myself more than that; I wanted to end things with him. I cried the whole night and I couldn't handle the suffering that came with it. It stung my heart so much that I thought I'll stop breathing.

Things were on edge between us until the next day he came to my house apologizing. I wanted to step up and end it there, but when I looked into his hopeful electric blue eyes. I couldn't.

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