That's What He Calls Justice

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(Clark ripped open his shirt, revealing his Superman suit)

Injustice Superman: "Heh. Been a long time since I've done that."

(Diana did a spin and posed in her Wonder Woman costume)

Injustice Wonder Woman: "What the Hera? We cannot do that!"

Wonder Woman: "Apparently we can."

(Injustice Wonder Woman grunted and wrapped her lasso around Superman, yanking him by the neck)

Superman: "Ugh! So that's what that feels like.."

(Injustice Superman tackled Wonder Woman, smashing through buildings before throwing her into a parking lot)

Wonder Woman: "Why do you attack us? We are just like you!"

Injustice Superman: "No. You're not."

(Blasts heat vision but she deflects it with her bracelets)

Wonder Woman: "What's happened to you, Clark? Whatever it is we can fix it!"

Injustice Superman: "That's not the Diana I know."

Wonder Woman: "And you're not the Clark Kent I know. Also what is with the red shoulder pads connecting the cape to your chest emblem? Ick. Me no likey."

(He yelled and charged as she did the same, the two clashed causing a ripple effect across the pavement)

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