Hope At Last

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(Injustice Wonder Woman floated down, seething with pure hatred in her eyes)

Injustice Wonder Woman: "What you have just done...to the man I love...I shall now do..to all of you."

Leo: "Bring it! If you've got the guts!"

(Crosses his swords in an X as lightning flashed behind him)

(Injustice Wonder Woman screamed in pain and rage and began to charge...)

(In slow motion Batman tossed eight Happy Pills into the air with precise accuracy and he, Clark, Diana, Catwoman and the Turtles all swallowed them in unison)

(Injustice Wonder Woman charged straight into Superman's chest and bounced right off straight through a tree)

(She got back up and stared down her eight enemies)

Injustice Wonder Woman: "....DIIEEEE!!!!"

(Charges while yelling)

Wonder Woman: "You first, sister!"

(She shared a look with Clark who nodded)

(He dodged Injustice Wonder Woman and uppercut slammed her straight up in the air, Diana leapt up as the Ancient Lamentation music epically blasted as she sliced Injustice Wonder Woman's head off in midair)

Mikey: "So is this like..just how we finish fights now?"

Donnie: "I guess. A tad brutal for my tastes. I prefer a more logic based..high tech approach."

Raph: "Yeah. You would."

(Over the next couple of weeks, Batman reestablished peace and order for the world and vowed to devote his remaining years to picking up the pieces from Superman's reign)

(The Turtles returned to their lair and celebrated with pizza, one of which fell on Master Splinter's head)

Splinter: "Kids."

(Batman met with Clark and Diana on a rooftop with the sun rise in the distance)

Batman: "I truly couldn't have done this without you both. Thank you."

(Shakes Clark's hand)

(Diana rolls her eyes)

Wonder Woman: "Oh get in here you!"

(Trinity group hug)

Batman: "Please stop."

(They separate)

Batman: "So what's next for you two? Are you heading back to your world?"

(Clark and Diana shared an uncertain glance)

Superman: "I don't think that's a great idea."

Wonder Woman: "Yeah we kind of got kicked out. Well he did but..you know..deal of package and all that."

Batman: "...right. Well I may have found something interesting."

(Shows hologram)

Batman: "An alternate Earth. Mostly untouched by any..superpowered events thus far. Maybe you could start over there. Even find your true happy ending.

Wonder Woman: "But...our son..Bruce..?"

Superman: "He'll be okay, Diana. Maybe we can find a way to discreetly visit him from time to time. I'm sure that together we can figure it out."

(Takes her hand and gives her a reassuring smile)

Batman: "...I'm sorry you have a son named after me?"

Superman: "Oh..right..we didn't uh..didn't mention that yet."

Wonder Woman: "Not named after you, you. But you. It's kind of a long story."

Batman: "...right. Here are the  coordinates to that Earth then. You can teleport there from the Bat Cave."

Superman: "Thank you, Bruce."

(They shared a nod as the three of them walk away together)

Batman: "Just keep this is mind.."

Superman: "Yeah?"

Batman: "If something ever happens..and you do lose it...I'm coming for you."

Wonder Woman: "Yuck."

Batman: "..that's not what I.."

Superman: "Heh. You'll have to get in line."

(As the three disappear into the horizon...a figure watches them with an expression of rage)

(Her eyes glow red)

Brainiac Supergirl: "...you're not going anywhere.."

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