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(The seven of them emerged from a manhole cover outside what was left of Arkham Asylum)

Raph: "This sure as shell ain't Brooklyn no more."

Wonder Woman: "What are we doing here?"

Batman: "The other Superman has been holding someone important to me here for years. I never managed to free her under previous circumstances but now with you two here..we may actually have a chance."

Superman: "You wouldn't be referring to Selina Kyle would you?"

Batman: "..I guess you do know me pretty well."

Leo: "Speaking of which.."

(Poison Ivy burst out of the ground, giggling seductively)

Poison Ivy: "Well..what do we have here? Quite the attractive group you've got there, Brucie darling.."

Mikey: "Aw shucks."

Batman: "Ivy...I thought you were executed.."

Poison Ivy: "Superman found..other uses for my talents.."

(Taps on a metallic S symbol on her chest)

Wonder Woman: "She's under his influence!"

Superman: "Then she's in our way."

Ivy: " sound just like him. But much yummier."

Wonder Woman: "How dare you?!"

(Gets out her sword and shield)

Donnie: "Welcome to the staff!"

(Takes out Bo Staff)

Superman: "I'll help Batman rescue Catwoman! The rest of you..!"

Leo: "The rest of us will keep her busy!"

Superman: "Oh uh..sorry.."

Leo: "Don't sweat it. Force of habit."

Batman: "Let's go."

(Grapples into Arkham, Superman plows through the walls after him)

Batman: "Very subtle, Kent."

Superman: "Thought we were in a hurry?"

Batman: "We are..but the more noise we make..the more likely your less friendly self will be alerted."

Superman: "...maybe I want him to show up. Maybe it's our chance to end this. For good."

Batman: "...I missed you, Clark."

Superman: "...I missed you too, Bruce."


(Diana and the Turtles dodged and blocked Ivy's plants)

Leo: "I really did not miss this!"

Raph: "Speak for yourself, bro! This is ma jam, right here!"

Wonder Woman: "Do you always talk so much?"

Donnie: "Definitely! Mikey hasn't even said anything in over a minute!"

Mikey: "...Cowabunga!"

Raph: "Oh look what ya did!"

(Ivy grabbed Diana and constricted her body with vines, she cupped her face and gazed into her eyes)

Leo: "No!"

(Leaps forward to strike but gets slammed into a tree by a vine)

Ivy: "You're different than the Diana we have here...more...exotic.."

Wonder Woman: "Untangle me, wretched woman!"

Ivy: "And that really works for you. How about a trade? Your Superman for me...and a kiss for you?"

Wonder Woman: "I...I.."

(Ivy's pheromones were starting to affect her)

Donnie: "Uh guys..shouldn't we her..?"

Mikey: "I was totally gonna...but..I like...forgot."

(Her pheromones were affecting them too...except for Raph)

Raph: "...nah."

(Throws sais, slicing through Ivy's vines, releasing Diana from her grasp)

Ivy: "Ah..what do we have here...a fighter hmm? I'm much more of a lover myself.."

(She approaches him)

Raph: "Good for you, lady. I don't give a shell."

(Ivy giggles)

Ivy: " are quite bold aren't you? Well, what do you think of this?"

(She yanked Leo towards her and planted a deep kiss on his mouth)

Raph: "No! Get your green thumbs off a him!"

(Leo's eyes glowed green and took a battle stance in between Raph and Ivy)

Ivy: "I've always had a thing for the green..and now I have my very own green bodyguard...protect me, my pet."

(Leo twirled his swords and charged at Raph)

Raph: "Like we don't fight enough as is!"

Clark and Diana 8Where stories live. Discover now