Surprising Allies

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(Clark and Diana carried the motionless Batman through the sewers)

Superman: "I..I can't believe that he...that I could be capable of all this.."

Wonder Woman: "You're not. And before you bring up the Knightmare dreams of Bruce's..well don't. Darkseid was to blame for all that and he's gone now."

Superman: "Still..there must be some kind of connection..some breaking point where he and I would both snap..."

Injustice Batman: "..Lois."

(Diana yelped and dropped Batman into the sewage)

Wonder Woman: "Ugh why did you say that name?"

(Superman shook his head but grinned despite himself)

(Batman slowly stood up)

Batman: "You're not them."

Wonder Woman: "Observant as ever, Mister Wayne."

Superman: "What did he do to you?"

Batman: "He infused Brainiac technology into my mind...along with a number of others. Including Kara."

Superman: "Kara?"

Batman: "Your cousin. Supergirl."

Superman: "I don't have a..wait a minute.."

Wonder Woman: "Supergirl! That little homewrecker wishes to replace Clark in our world! Not if I have anything to say about it!"

Batman: "In this world, that wouldn't be so bad."

Superman: "If you're under his control how are you able to talk to us like this?"

Batman: "I've built up somewhat of a resistance to Clark's influence on me. I've had to remain under cover in order to stay alive. But I've got my own..special team working on things."

Wonder Woman: "Who? Barry? Hal? Victor? Arthur?"

Batman: "...not exactly."

(Switches a hidden lever, revealing the silhouettes of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)

Mikey: "Dude..."

Clark and Diana 8Where stories live. Discover now