3 - A Friendly Exchange

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" I don't wanna be your friend,
I wanna kiss your lips. "
- I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red

"Hey, where's Walker?" Ryan and Emma just arrived at the set and Walker was still missing.

"I'm not sure, maybe he's just late? He always is," Ryan said. Emma was getting her makeup and outfit done in her trailer.


"FUCK OFF," I panicked and quickly turned behind me. Walker's laughs filled the vast room, accompanied by a few giggles from the extras.


I sprung out of bed, panting. What just happened? I quickly climbed out of bed, processing. It wasn't real? I guess I'm just stressed about meeting them. I checked my phone. '4:20' it read. (ahaha funny number) I quickly brushed my teeth and combed my hair.

"God I look ridiculous when I wake up," I said as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I washed my face and changed into something casual. I'm not usually a try hard, that's got to change soon.

^^ your fit is above (you can imagine something else if you don't like it <3)

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^^ your fit is above (you can imagine something else if you don't like it <3)

I checked my phone once again, '4:32' and a message from Walker. Walker?

Walker is Walking >:P

hey, it's Walker, when r u gonna get to la?

pretty sure around 3pm
not so sure

got it
sorry if I'm bothering you btw
just wanted to check in

its fine, you didn't bother me in any way

im gonna go now
have a safe flight :)

thanks, bye walker!


Sweet of him

A knock on my door startled me and I immediately shut my phone.

"Darling, get ready! We're heading to the airport!"


Time skipped to me being in LA, the streets were so busy and there were cars everywhere. I had just arrived at the hotel where I'd be staying for the next few months. 'Room 89' was the room me and Walker would be staying in. I lightly knocked on the door, hoping Walker was already inside. I heard him struggling on the other side, trying to open the huge door.

"Oh hello, Y/n," He said after successfully opening the door.

"Hey, Walker. Could you help me with the luggage, please?" I said, trying not to seem nervous. He was around an inch shorter, but his facial features were starting to define itself. He looked much older than he was in the Adam Project.

"Oh yeah, no problem," he grabbed the largest one I brought and rolled it in, moving aside to allow me to pass through. I set my luggage down at the side of the bed to the left, since the one on the right had Walker's bag on it.

"When did you arrive, exactly? I didn't think you'd be here already," I said as I unpacked a few of my belongings.

"Around an hour ago I guess, I've already met with Ryan and Emma, they're just two doors down." He responded. Walker was leaning on the wall and fidgeting with his fingers, his hands seemed so soft and his curls were draping down on his face so elegantly. He surely wasn't unattractive, he just seems like a basic boy. "What have you packed? We're gonna be here for a few weeks."

"Just uh, a few clothes and personal needs I guess, you?"

"Games. A lot of them," I chuckled slightly.

"Cool," I grinned. We chatted for a bit longer until room service arrived.


We chatted more over dinner, a table with a small cart at the side for food, sitting opposite of each other. By the time we finished our conversation, it was around 11pm and the food was brought out of the room.

"We should probably go to bed," I said, still giggling at something Walker said a few seconds ago.

"Sure, you go get ready first," he plopped on his bed and turned the tv on. "I'm just gonna watch something while waiting." I just rolled my eyes and took a shower.


Two updates in a day?! Holy shit, Raven's going on a roll! Anyways, sorry for the rushed ending, I just didn't know how to make the ending good without making it too long. Anyways, next chapter out TOMORROW !! - Raven

this guy had such a toll on me wtf (still does). also my writing has changed so much what - Raven

movie screen love - walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now