18 - Missed Me?

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" I can't help but love you, even though I try not to. "
- war of hearts by ruelle

"Do you need anything else, Miss?" The flight attendant asked, still conspicuous as to why a 14 year-old girl was sitting in first class, let alone by herself.

"Oh, nothing else, thanks a lot," I snickered, the way she addressed me was hilarious. I whipped out my phone as soon as the pilot told us we were finally allowed to use our devices, opening up the group chat I created along with Ryan and Walker.


The Unbelievable Trio

Y/n Scobell
I'm finally on the plane, any luck with the hotel rooms yet?

Mr. Pool
yeah, I've booked the three rooms

Walkie Talkie
how did you ONLY get on the plane, I've been here for an hour now

Y/n Scobell
oh I'm sorry 'person living on the other side of America'

Walkie Talkie
what's that supposed to mean?

Mr. Pool
she's trying to tell you you've both got different time zones genius

Walkie Talkie

Y/n Scobell

Walkie Talkie
wait, Emma's also going to be at the airport to see us, right?

Mr. Pool
yeah, she planned to at least

Y/n Scobell
'at least' aha

Mr. Pool
shut up, Scobell

Y/n Scobell

Mr. Pool
Oh yeah... you guys aren't together.

Walkie Talkie

Y/n Scobell

oh you're so dead Reynolds

Walkie Talkie
and how do you expect me to kill a 6'1 guy when I'm half his size?

Y/n Scobell
I don't expect you to, I don't even know how tall you are

Walkie Talkie
at least I'm taller than you now

Y/n Scobell

Mr. Pool
I'm apparently invisible to you both.

Walkie Talkie
what do you expect us to say? 'Oh, HI RYAN!!!!!'

Mr. Pool
that's what I expect when I meet you at the airport

Y/n Scobell
good to know, old man


I chatted a bit longer 'til Walker and Ryan had to go, shutting off my phone and shoving it into the backpack beside me. I decided to watch a movie, alone this time. I plugged in the available headphones and started selecting a movie with the remote.

"Shazam, why not," I mumbled under my breath, clicking on the movie.


I got off the plane, scurrying around the airport searching for my friends.

"Walker said they'd be here though.." I cursed at myself, seeming to be completely lost. Suddenly, two pair of hands were dangling over my shoulder in a lazy hug making me jump.

"Asshole!" I yelled, giggling and turning to seethe fluffy haired blonde smiling at me.

"Hey, ya missed me?" He asked cheerfully, finally taking his arms off of me. I turned around to see Emma and Ryan snickering behind him, Emma giving me a small thumbs up.

"What if I said no?" I teased him, giving Emma a weird look.

"There is no 'what if', the only answer shall be 'yes'," He said a bit too confidently. I simply shrugged his comment off, "So it's a yes?" He exclaimed, "I knew it, Leena owes me three bucks!" He yells, victorious.

"Hold on, where are our hellos?" Ryan spoke out of the blue, his face showing how 'offended' he was.

"Hello, Ryan, Hi, Emma!" I cheered before immediately hugging them both. I was absolutely thrilled to finally see the three of them in person again.

"What time is it now?" I asked, releasing the warm embrace.

"It's uh... 3:45pm," Emma said, "Why?"

"Oh god, why are the timezones so different? I left at 8am and the flight was just 3 or 4 hours," I explained.

"Lucky," Walker whined, "I had to go at 5am and barely slept the whole flight,"

"You can sleep in the car, Walker. Now, speaking of the car, we better go or we'd be left at the airport," We all rushed towards the entrance where Ryan's driver was parked. We got inside, Ryan and Emma sat in the middle row while Walker and I were sat in the back.

It was a quiet ride to the hotel, Walker casually dozing off on my shoulder. I didn't really mind it, it wasn't uncomfortable or bothering me at all. I couldn't help but smile the whole car ride, careful not to wake him up while I scrolled on my phone. I even snapped a few pictures of him, posting a story on my instagram captioned, 'looks like someone didn't get their full 12 hours of sleep'.


We eventually got back to the hotel. Walker was still quite tired, so he slept in Ryan's hotel room while Ryan, Emma and I were sitting on the couch in the other room (yes, Ryan's hotel room is basically a small house), catching up with each other on our lives.

"So, there was this really big cockroach yesterday that one of my kids found in their bathroom, and it literally flew onto my face! I'm not even joking," Ryan cried, laughing at a recent experience of his.

"And what did you do after?" I asked, tears already coming out of my eyes from laughing so hard.

"My kids just screamed and I didn't even notice the cockroach on my face before Blake walked in screaming: 'RYAN THERE'S A ROACH ON YOUR FACE' to which I just panicked at and slapped my own face, picking up the injured cockroach on the floor and throwing it into the trash bin," at this point Emma's eyes were about to pop out from laughing.

"What's going on?" Walker groaned from the bedroom door.

"Well, you slept so we're just talking," Emma explained, still laughing. Walker gave me a suspicious look, mainly about the fact that we were all giggling and laughing.

"Oh, it's like 6:30 now, would you two mind if you bought some food for us? I've got to.. Do stuff," Ryan said, taking a glance at his watch. I looked at Walker and rolled my eyes at Ryan's incompetence.

"Fine, what are we buying?" Walker asked.

"I think there's a taco bell just down the road, here's my card," Ryan handed Walker and I his backup credit card which had limited money inside so we don't just run off and buy random stuff.

"Can you buy me a salad instead of tacos? I don't feel like eating that kind of stuff today," Emma butted in.

"Sure, we'll just go to the nearest 711,"

"Thanks, kids," Ryan said, sending us both winks before walking off to his bedroom.

"... Douche."

Raven updated! Anyway, 21k reads. What. The. Hell? Also, I have a very good excuse as to why I have not been updating (not really), I've been practicing my English a bit more (especially vocabulary), so I've got this book that I'm writing for practicing purposes that I'd be focusing on, so don't expect me to update in 1-2 days! Don't worry, I'll still update frequently, no longer than a week :) - Raven

The book I was working on that I mentioned in the previous A/N was in fact, not completed. I deleted it. My english still sucks balls 😻🙏 but yk. also, currently, the book is at 99.7k views i literally can't believe i'm about to hit 100k views howheherbjtjtjsnhwsjjdntgg THANK YOU - Raven

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