5 - A Pinch of Annoyance

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" everybody said that we wouldn't
last, give it some time you're young
it will pass. "
- let's get married by vedo

It was around dinner time when Ryan knocked on our hotel door. Y/n went to open it since I was caught up in a game.

"Hey, would you guys mind getting some McDonalds for dinner? I'm craving for some but I've got some stuff to do and Emma's got an interview." He said, "Can Walker hear me?"

"Yeah I can," I said, eyes still fixed on the tv screen, removing one side of my headphones while still fixated on killing the person in front of me. Y/n complained, but reluctantly agreed moments later.

"Walker get off that damn thing we're going to get food," She groaned. I gave Ryan an annoyed look, taking off my headset and turning off the playstation.

"Great, now be careful, understood? I don't want to be responsible for your kidnappings,"

"Oh but you will be," Y/n and I walked out of the room, closing the door behind us. Knowing Ryan, I'm pretty sure he didn't have anything to do, he just wanted us to get food because he was too lazy to get it.


"Where's the nearest McDonalds at?" I asked Y/n, my hands in the pockets of my jeans.

"Hold on, I'm checking," She pulled out her phone and tried to find the nearest McDonalds when I heard a rustle come from the bushes nearby. I tried to ignore it, but a shining light coming from where I had heard the sound, just confirmed my suspicions. I looked at Y/n nervously, it looks like she hadn't noticed.

"Here, it's just down the street," She showed me the location, not that far, I guess. A sudden flash made us both stop in our tracks, her body tensing up.

"Just ignore them," I whispered, ruffling her hair and swinging my arm around her shoulder  as we continued to walk. I had a feeling the paparazzi weren't here for pictures of me, but of pictures of her instead; she would give them more profit.

"Thanks," She whispered back, "It's just over here," she said, pointing to a very bright McDonald's sign down the road, the sky was already getting dark.

We entered the McDonalds, a few of the paparazzi following close behind. I glanced behind us. Only two behind us.

"Wait, what did Ryan and Emma want again?" Y/n asked. I told her that I'd just order for us, so she agreed. We stood in line and nervously waited until it was our turn.

"We'll have 2 cheeseburgers, 4 medium fries, 2 beef burgers and 4 cola's, please," I said to the cashier. He nodded and walked to the back room, whispering something to one of his co-workers. I felt a bit uncomfortable so I took a waiting slip and pulled Y/n to the side, telling her I took a number and we should sit down.

We sat at one of the benches at the side of the counters in complete silence. I felt cameras swarming around us, even though there were little to none.

"Walker?" Y/n said out of the blue.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"Nothing." She teased, an attempt at breaking the silence.

"You fucker!" I shouted-whispered, as I felt a small smile start to form on my face. I just sat there flustered as hell as she giggled away beside me.

"Number 215?" The speaker called out. Y/n stood up and pulled me up, forcing me to stand.

"Okay okay, chill, Y/n careful-!" I said as she pulled me towards the counter, laughing her ass off.


Y/n's POV

The sky was already pitch black, walking through the streets at night is always calming.

"Are you sure it's not heavy, Walker?" Walker clearly struggling to carry the bags, while I was just holding the tray filled with drinks.

"Yeah, I'm fine don't worry," He grunted and shifted the other bag to his left, shaking his right vigorously.

"I can carry one of them, you know that right?"

"I'd rather quit acting than let you carry these heavy shits,"

"So you admit they're heavy?" I turned to him, raising an eyebrow.

"Your point?"

"There isn't one," I suddenly tripped on something big but caught myself.

"Are you okay?" He tidied my hair and dusted off my un-ironed blouse. "Holy shit you're clumsy," He commented before looking at the floor, a shocked look on his face.

"What?" I looked back at the tray I was holding, then at the floor. Crap, one of the drinks fell. I heard shuffling behind us so I turned around, spotting a guy picking up his duffle bag, holding up a camera.

"Hey!" Walker shouted, "May place your no-good shit somewhere else? You made her trip!"

"Calm down, dude, I just wanted a clear picture," That just made my blood boil even more. I picked up my mcdonalds cup that was spilt and angrily shoved it into the nearest trash bin, glaring at the man.

"Whatever, come on Walker. Ryan and Emma are probably starving by now," I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the hotel building in fury.


"And he just straight up made Y/n trip because of his 'bag misplacement'" Walker ranted as he took a bite of his burger.

"It's just how they are sometimes," Ryan said, taking another sip of his cola, "At least you two look cute sharing a cup," Emma slapped Ryan's arm, making his grip release from the cup. "Ow, that hurts you know? Physically and emotionally," He said as he took another sip. Emma then turned towards me and Walker, a soft expression on her face.

"Don't worry, okay? You'll get used to it, just be careful. It's not like every single paparazzi is like this," She took the last bite of her burger before crumpling up the wrapper and dumping it in the trash can.

"When you kids are finished," Ryan began, his voice muffled from all the food stuffed into his mouth, "Go straight to bed, we've got work to do tomorrow,"

"Ai ai captain," Walker saluted before munching on some fries.

"Wait, wait, wait, drink out of your cup, the both of you, I wanna take a cute picture," Ryan exclaimed too excitedly, whipping out his phone and taking an unexpected picture.


OI DID YOU FORGET TO VOTE FOR THIS CHAPTER? HM? If you didn't vote for it rn D:< Anyways, would you guys like it if I made a chapter about what the movie that they're working on is about? If you guys need it I'll make one because I feel kind of bad just leaving u all confused. Alright bye now simps >:) - Raven

get me a walker, please, someone. - Raven

movie screen love - walker scobellWhere stories live. Discover now