The Planetarium (1)

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     "Hey, Maki Roll, I'm about to head out, okay?" Kaito said as he stood up from the couch in the living room.  

    "Whatever," Maki replied. "You didn't have to tell me, you know. It's not like you need my permission to go to your nerdy space museum." 

   "It's not just the space museum I'm going to, it's also the new the planetarium!" Kaito corrected. He had planned to visit the space museum and the new planetarium in Tokyo that had just opened up, and today was his day to do it. 

   "What's the difference?" Maki asked indifferently. 

   "Well, the difference is that a space museum has more than just-" Kaito began.

  "I didn't ask for a long explanation," Maki interrupted. Then, after thinking about how coldly she spoke to him, she sighed. "Well, never mind. Just...come back, safely, okay?" 

   "You got it, Maki Roll!" Kaito replied cheerfully, giving her a thumbs-up. He turned to leave.

  "Aren't you forgetting something?" Maki asked grumpily. Timidly, she turned her cheek to Kaito for him to kiss it. 

   "What? Is there something on your face?" Kaito asked. Maki glared at Kaito who looked confused. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "What? What?!" Kaito asked, panicking. 

   "Nothing. Just forget it," Maki pouted, fiddling with her hair. She walked away in a huff, leaving Kaito standing there, bewildered. 

   "Ohhhh, Kaitoooooo," a voice called from behind Kaito.

   "Oh, noooo," Kaito groaned. He knew that was the voice of Kokichi, and judging by the tone of Kokichi's voice, Kaito felt that his perfectly planned day would soon turn out to be a nightmare. He turned to face Kokichi who was looking at him with a seemingly innocent look. "What do you want, Kokichi?" Kaito grumbled, knowing fully well what Kokichi wanted. 

   "I wanna go to the space thingy, too!" he replied excitedly.

   "It's called a 'planetarium!'" Kaito corrected. "If you're gonna talk about space, get it right!" 

   "Whoops! My bad," Kokichi replied. "Sooo, can I go? Huh? Can I? Can I? Can I?!"  

   "Ghgrr..." Kaito groaned, rubbing the back of his neck. It was a two-hour drive from where they lived to Tokyo. Two hours in the car with Kokichi felt like a 12-hour plane ride with 1,000 Kokichis to Kaito. "I don't know, Kokichi. I kinda wanted to go alone, and-"

  "I'll be gooood. I promise from the bottom of my heart!" Kokichi replied. "You can trust me." Kokichi looked sincere, but that mischievous twinkle in his eye said otherwise. Going against his instincts, Kaito decided to let Kokichi tag along. 

  "F-Fine," he sighed. "Just...don't be annoying!" 

Star Trick: Deep Space Lyin' (The Misadventures of Kokichi and Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now