Kokichi's Revenge (3)

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     Kaito was still confused about what had happened the day before. He was by himself at the dining table trying to focus on eating his lunch, but his mind was troubled. Was what the others said true? Was it all just a dream? Or, did Kokichi actually break into the bathroom and flush Kaito down the drain? Kaito shook his head at the absurdity of it all. Maybe EVERYTHING that had happened, from Kokichi sending him down the drain to Maki plunging him from it, had all been a dream.  He buried his head into his hands, lost in thought. 

   "My, my, you certainly look distressed, Kaito," an ominous voice said. Kaito's head shot up from his hands and turned to face Kokichi, who was looking at him with a devilish grin. 

   "K-Kokichi?!" Kaito exclaimed with a slight tone of fear in his voice. "Wh-What are you doing here?"

   "Nee-heehee...I live here, remember?" Kokichi replied cheekily. Kaito didn't respond. His eyes shifted back and forth as if he were looking for an escape route. "Relaaax, Kaito. All this worrying isn't good for your health, y'know? I think you need to sit down somewhere more...comfortable." 

   "I'm comfortable right here," Kaito replied, tense. 

   "I'm seriously worried about you, Kaito," Kokichi said with a look of genuine concern on his face. "I don't know what I did to upset you, yesterday, but accusing me of something when you don't have proof will only make you seem crazy." His voice sounded sincere, but his words sounded more like a subtle threat. 

   "Wait, s-so...I really DID get sucked down the drain, yesterday?!" Kaito asked. "Th-That wasn't a nightmare?!" 

  "Of course it was a nightmare, Kaito," Kokichi replied. "That's why I'm so concerned because you blamed me out of nowhere." Kaito stared long and hard at Kokichi. He couldn't tell if he was sincere, or lying, which was usually a difficult thing to tell with Kokichi. 

   "I...I didn't blame you outta nowhere!" he replied. "You did that to me! I was awake! I was aware! It wasn't a nightmare!" 

   "It WAS a nightmare, Kaito," Kokichi insisted in his sincere voice. "And this nightmare will only continue if you keep pinning the blame on me, when it's really all your fault." Again, that sounded like a subtle threat to Kaito, but he now began to question his sanity. 

   "Okay, w-well...what do I do about it, then?" Kaito asked, finding it hard to believe that he was asking Kokichi for help. Kokichi smiled in a way that seemed innocent, but at the same time, full of mischief. 

   "Come sit down on your rocking chair," Kokichi replied, gesturing over to Kaito's rocking chair that he had bought for himself with a fluffy pillow that matched the galaxy design of his jacket. 

   "Erm...it's actually called a 'rocket chair,'" Kaito corrected hesitantly. He had called it that to make it sound more "space-y." 

   "Of course, of course," Kokichi replied in a soothing voice as he led Kaito to the "rocket chair." "That's my bad. Here, sit down. You look sooo exhausted. Relaaaax." Kokichi's voice was so lulling that Kaito actually began drifting off to sleep. Before his eyes fully shut, however, he saw, through his blurry vision, Kokichi taking out a giant hammer from seemingly out of nowhere. Kaito's eyes shot open, but before Kaito could say anything about it, Kokichi ran behind the chair laughing like a little imp, raised the hammer and brought it down on the back end part of the chair that rocks, which sent  Kaito flying up into the air, through the ceiling of the first floor and then through the roof of Casa V3 and all the way to the park a few miles away. 

   "Guess it has a few kinks that need fixing!" Kokichi called out to Kaito as he soared away. "Nee-heehee...this'll be too much fun," he said to himself, rubbing his hands together in a typical villainous way and began to laugh evilly. Then he bounded away wickedly to his room to hatch more evil schemes to get back at Kaito.   

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2022 ⏰

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