The Planetarium (End)

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      It was dead silent in the car on the way back to Casa V3. Kokichi was fidgeting from boredom so much that he had to break the silence. 

    "Can I turn the radio oooon?" Kokichi whined. Kokichi's whining must have been the final straw for Kaito because he abruptly swerved to the side of the road and skidded the car to a halt. 

   "Do you NOT realize what you've done?!" Kaito boomed. "You got us kicked out of the planetarium! And I'm not allowed back in that place for a whole 'nother two years! TWO FREAKING YEARS!!! All because you had to try and be funny!!!" He paused to take a deep breath and massage the bridge of his nose. "This was supposed to have been one of the best days of my life, and you ruined it!"

   "What's the big deal? You got to see the planetarium, didn't you?" Kokichi asked. "Besides, I saw how disappointed your face looked when I wasn't having any fun, so I decided to not disappoint you anymore."

   "Why, Kokichi?" Kaito asked with an exasperated sigh. "Why do you do stuff like this?"

   "I live to create chaos," Kokichi merely replied, putting his hands behind his head. "That's just who I am."

   "Well...can't you just...stop?" Kaito asked irritably. 

   "Asking me to stop creating chaos is like asking you to stop liking space," Kokichi simply replied. "Welp, the worst of it is all behind us. Might as well just have some fun on this long trip back home. Oh! By the way, can we stop by a McDonnie's? I wanna get Himiko something for when we get back." 

   "Yeah, sure, whatever," Kaito sighed, shifting the car back onto the road. 

   "Lighten up, Mr. Moony Man," Kokichi said, reaching for the dial on the radio. "Let's crank up some tuneage!" He turned the dial until he found a song that he liked. "'Eyyy, I know this song! Maya-hee! Maya-hoo, Maya-haaa, Maya-ha-ha! RAZOR BLADE STAR NUMA NUMA-AY! NUMA NUMA-AY! NUMA NUMA NUMA-AY! PEOPLE BELCH ALL ROTTY-SCOTTY DAY! I DON'T THINK THAT'S OKIE-TAY-AY!!" 

   Kaito sighed as he listened to Kokichi belt out the (wrong) lyrics to the song, but he couldn't help chuckle at some of the words. He looked at Kokichi who was dancing goofily to the song. In the moment, Kaito felt differently about Kokichi; he started to see him as just a happy-go-lucky, bratty younger brother. Kaito shook his head and smiled to himself. He didn't have a brother of his own, but Kokichi slightly made him feel like he didn't need to wish for one. The song ended, leaving Kokichi laughing his head off.

   "Hahahahahaaaa, I love that song!" he laughed. The next song came on, which also caused Kokichi's eyes to light up and he started to dance again. "I'm a barbie girl! In the barbie wo-or-orld! Life in plastic, 'EY, it's fantastic! You can brush my hair, undress me everywhe-e-ere. Imagination, life is your creation! C'mon, Kaito, sing it!"

   "Ew, nooo, I'm not singin' that song!" Kaito looked at Kokichi as if he were crazy.

  "Y'know you want tooo," Kokichi said. Kaito shifted his eyes back and forth. He looked like he was about to explode.

   "C'MON BARBIE, LET'S GO PARTY!!!" Kaito sang.

   "AH, AH, AH, YEAH!!" Kokichi sang.




    "AH, AH, AH, YEAH!!" 


     "OO-WHOA-OH! OO-WHOA-OH!!!"

     The song came to an end a few minutes later, and they both started laughing. "Okay, I admit, that was kinda fun," Kaito said, shrugging. 

   "See? I told you, all you need is to chill," Kokichi said, flashing Kaito a smug, bratty grin. 

   "Yeah, yeah, whatever," Kaito grumbled, though he did feel a lot better. "Okay, there's a McDonnie's over here." They pulled over into the McDonnie's and went through the drive-thru. Kokichi ordered two large chicken nugget meals with fries and Grape Panta for him and Strawberry Panta for Himiko. Kaito ordered some food for himself, as well. Then, they headed home.


  "How was it?" Maki asked Kaito. 

  "Eh, it was alright," Kaito replied.

  "Kokichi was a handful, wasn't he?" Maki asked, glaring at Kokichi who sat with Himiko as they ate together.

   "He was at first," Kaito replied. "But he was no match for Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!" Maki rolled her eyes and smiled.

  "So, did you get me any food?" she asked. Kaito stared at her bug-eyed.

  "N-No!" he said. "I didn't know that you wanted anything!" Maki's smile faded and she gave Kaito a disapproving stare.

   " is Kokichi a better boyfriend than you?" she asked, pouting as she walked away.

  "Wait, Maki Roll! Come back!" Kaito said, following her. "I can get you something, if you want! Maki Roll? Maki Roll? MAKIII ROOOOLLLL!!!"

Star Trick: Deep Space Lyin' (The Misadventures of Kokichi and Kaito)Where stories live. Discover now