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1. This book will contain graphic/detailed descriptions of but not limited to:

Blood & gore
Physical assault
Mental illness

2. Also included will be (brief or often alluded) mentions of:

Sexual assault
Child abuse/neglect

If you are extremely sensitive to any of the topics listed above, proceed at your own discretion or avoid this book (do what is best for you). There are other lovely books out there to read and you can find some on my reading lists! <3


The bashing or discrimination of other religions or lack thereof, and of any race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, sex or gender identity here on out in the comments is strictly prohibited. This is a welcoming, friendly space and I'd like to keep it that way.  This does not mean that you are unable to judge the actions of characters or be upset at what happens in the book, but there is always a respectful way to express your opinion.


Lists 1 & 2 are not set in stone, and I might have to add some things in the future.

In no way, shape, or form, am I trying to romanticize/fetishize any of these topics. I will try to keep the subjects as realistic as possible, given that this is a fanfiction not a non-fiction book, so please bear with me.

Please keep in mind that the characters in this book in no way reflect BTS, as this is a standalone fanfiction in which each of the member's characteristics/personalities are developed by me.

This is also a work in progress!
I may add/delete something I am not happy with but the readers will be notified.


Hope you enjoy!


A Day In September - BTS Zombie auWhere stories live. Discover now