32: Get Ugly

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*One Week Later*

Mara sniffed, a strong smell overcoming her senses. A cool sensation trailed over her Cupid's bow, then over each of her closed lids. Mara could hear snorting and giggling in her sleepy stupor, ears almost perking up at the sound. Her brows pulled down in confusion, her sleepy eyes slowly opening. With vision blurry, she could only make out a silhouette that stood over her. Mara blinked away the haziness, making a face and leaning her head away when realizing that it was Jungkook who hovered closely over her.

Mara slowly pushed herself up and away from an amused Jungkook, her back against the wall and frowning face staring back at him. His hearty laugh almost made her crack a smile, but upon looking at what he had in his hand, the pieces clicked together and dread coursed through her in realization.

In Jungkook's hand was a black, chisel tip marker.

"No you didn't," Mara groggily whined, which threw Jungkook into another fit of boisterous laughter.

"Nice mph....mustache," Jungkook stuttered through his laughs.

Jungkook's tamed hazing had been going on for the entire week.

At any given moment, Mara would be subject to teasing and the victim to pranks that Jungkook just found hilarious. She liked hearing his laughter, and she was fine with being his distraction. Somehow, Mara had never felt so annoyed yet so relieved to so casually be a part of something that didn't include murder, blood and guts. She couldn't help feel sympathy for the boy as well. Humor seemed to be his way coping, and it looked to be working quite well for him. Besides his first recounting of his experience with the savages, Jungkook refused to speak about it again, further less about how he felt. Though the attacks from the savages had halted for the passed week or so, Mara was still overtly paranoid. Her concern over Jungkook's safety had begun to worry Jimin, as not only it kept her on her toes all day, but it also kept her awake at night. Though some people weren't quite fond of her, she felt safe surrounding by strong men who were capable of doing things she wasn't. She had hoped for the savages to abandon their pursuit of her, but the silence that ensued the incident with Jungkook was everything except comforting. Silence from the regularly eventful forest was not always a good sign.

Jungkook wiped imaginary tears from his eyes as Mara rushed to the mirror in the spare bathroom.

Her eyes scanned over the wobbly mustache Jungkook had drawn on, and holding one eyelid closed, the girl saw the black dots and lines meant to be imitate eyes.

"All this in permanent marker," Mara sighed, turning to Jungkook with pursed lips. She walked over to him slowly, and the boy eyed her, snorting to himself.


Mara silently drew closer, peripheral vision on the marker in Jungkook's hand. Jungkook tried not to laugh, stepping away until his lower back hit the bed.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, still attempting to hide his grin by pursing his lips just like Mara. The girl did not relent, stepping up until she was close enough for her hands to dart for the marker. Jungkook laughed as Mara opened the marker and shoved it near his face, held back by Jungkook's strong grip on her wrists.

Mara couldn't hide the smile anymore, and she laughed as the tip of the marker got extremely close to his face.

"Let me!"


"I'm gonna draw a penis!"


"Are you two idiots ready?!"

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