61: I Saw...Life

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"After Jin's camp went down, he and I traveled inland hoping to find some food and shelter. What we found was even better," Namjoon smiled at the memory. Up until that point, Namjoon's expression looked dismal, and the light in his eyes returned slowly as he spoke of the people he now called brothers.

Mara was rendered speechless by Namjoon's story. She understood why he was the way that he was regardless of it being unjustified. Namjoon had lost his best friend, and he carried that guilt with him until now. It didn't matter if it wasn't objectively his fault—he believed it to be and nobody could convince him otherwise.

"It was a bunker, full of food and other survival gear. Not only that," Namjoon chuckled, "But it also came with three young boys. Want to guess who?" Namjoon peered over at Mara, light and humored smile on his face. There was not a single hint of animosity; they were way passed that.

Mara was surprised.

Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook?

"Yup. Those three idiots," Namjoon confirmed as if reading her thoughts. Mara's lips slowly formed into a smile. She could already imagine all three boys huddled in a bunker, surrounded by a doomsday prepper's wet dream.

Seeing Mara's smile had Namjoon chuckling, and he faced the forest again as he continued with his story. Despite hoping to have spent time with Jimin, it came as a welcome surprise to hear about everything Namjoon had gone through, leaving nothing out and answering every and any question Mara had. He looked to be enjoying himself as well (despite the horrifying story he'd told).

It seemed as though Namjoon was rebuilding the same bridge he himself had burned with Mara.

It was a refreshing feeling.


She doesn't remember falling asleep.

The girl stirred, bothered by the voice that called her name and the bright light that filtered through her closed lids.

"Oi. Are you a heavy sleeper or are you just ignoring me?"

Mara sighed, "The second one," She murmured, lips quirking up when hearing Namjoon snort. Her eyes opened slowly, taking in the forest below and the God awful crick in her neck from sleeping oddly for who-knows how long. The girl groaned, massaging her aching neck with one hand and removing eye boogers with the other. Without thinking and with a playful pout she wiped her fingers on Namjoon's jacket, enjoying the brief moment of silence and disgust from Namjoon.

"Are you for real?"

"I think so?" Mara raised a brow before loudly yawning, standing up and unceremoniously stumbling towards the door. Namjoon rolled his eyes but let it go, remaining sat as Mara reached for the knob. When noticing that Namjoon wasn't behind her, she peered over at him, softly frowning. His eyes were looking at the forest, but his mind was elsewhere. Seeing him think so hard, paired with their long talk had Mara walking back towards him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly.

"You allowed yourself to be vulnerable with me, and that means a lot to me. It doesn't make you weak, it makes you brave," Mara smiled down at him when he peered up at her, "I feel like I understand you a lot better now."

Namjoon paused, waiting for the genuine glint to leave her eyes. They seemed to only grow warmer.

Namjoon cleared his throat, "Right. Thanks."

"Yup! Now let's get down so Taehyung can get on post," Mara waddled to the door, opening it wide to be met with a cool gust of wind and-

"Good morning," Taehyung muttered, adjusting the strap of the sniper on his shoulders. He eyed Mara from head to toe, raising a brow at her horrid posture and pjs.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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