8: Rotting Flesh

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Jimin watched, a smile on his face as Mara wrapped his ankle back up, this time with the bit of bandage she had left. After being reassured that using it up was no big deal, Jimin relaxed and let her continue. 

Mara gave Jimin a big grin, "You're healing very well. I'm genuinely shocked. I'm sure that in a few days you could won't have a limp. How does it feel?"

Jimin rotated his ankle, moving it around and feeling for any pain.

"Mm, better. There's only discomfort because it feels so tense. Other than that, it doesn't feel like my foot's been run over by a truck or anything," Jimin joked.

"That's great," Mara laughed.

Jimin slipped his sock and Mara's shoe back on, just as Mara began to gather the contents of her bag. After a lot of convincing, Mara had gotten Jimin to wear her shoes in order to provide him comfort. After watching him struggle in his tight boots, she decided that her loose sneakers would do him a favor in not strangling his feet. With a blush's Jimin accepted the gesture, switching pairs with Mara.

Mara had to admit that she enjoyed looking at the sticker of the smiley face that was stuck at the boot shaft. She'd noticed it many times, but had failed to ask about it, deeming it unnecessary. She thought it was cute, nonetheless, and staring at it from time to time was a spirit boost.

Mara turned away from the fading, yellow smiley face, preparing her weapon. She had earlier sharpened her machete, prepping it for another scavenge. She first wanted to check up on Jimin, making sure that he was getting better and could spring into action if anything were to happen. Ever since their small argument a couple of days back, Jimin had been mindful of his actions. He's expressed himself in better ways as well, and though they were both once strangers, Mara knew that she could call him a friend.

"Where are you heading today?" Jimin asked, standing to his full height and walking over to the chair by the window. His ankle was significantly less dependent on the other to walk, and thus his limp was close to nonexistent. Mara watched proudly as he sat back down with a small huff, no wince or grimace of any kind.

Mara looked away from Jimin as a lie easily slipped passed her lips, "I'm thinking of going to this pharmacy I saw a bit farther off than my usual route. See if I can get supplies."

Jimin shrugged, "That is if there's anything left for you to find."

Mara frowned, "Well, that's reassuring."

"That's usually the first place people loot. I'm surprised there's still stuff to find thus far into our crisis," Jimin muttered. Mara agreed with him, but such a negative response meant that Jimin must have thought her destination to be a bad idea. She wasn't going there anyways. Even so, his words weren't of any help.

"I'm just saying. My group only found useless things like pregnancy tests and if we got lucky, pain meds."

Mara took some supplies out of her bag after some consideration, making sure to leave Jimin with most of the supplies and only sparing herself a couple for the hopefully short trip. She packed one water jug, leaving the other three with Jimin. Too much weight, regardless of its importance, could prove to be a dangerous set back.

"I see," Mara murmured, "But it wouldn't hurt to check."

Jimin shrugged, "I guess so....Hey, Mara?"

As Mara sheathed her machete, she hummed in response.

"How do you know about treating injuries?"

Mara's movements slowly came to a stop.

"I once owned a couple of medical books. I only got to read a bit of one though, before I left them behind trying to run away from an overrun base I once had," Mara explained.

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