34: Peace Offering

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The bodies of the guards fell limp to the ground, bullet wounds spilling blood from between their lifeless eyes. Jungkook gulped, nodding to himself before hiding back behind the tree. He peered over at Jimin, the latter noticing his uneasy gaze and offering a reassuring look.

"It doesn't get any easier," Jungkook whispered.

"It really doesn't," Jimin replied, aiming back down at the ground. He eyed the silencer, trying not to think of how quickly he had killed someone. Jimin thought back to what Mara had said, closing his eyes with a stressed sigh.

"What's taking them so long?" Namjoon muttered, eyes scanning the trees for any sign of movement. His eyes narrowed when watching something in the distance.

"I don't know, maybe you shouldn't have sent her alone-" Jimin snapped.

"For someone who says that Mara is strong on her own, you sure don't have much confidence in her," Jungkook remarked, rolling his eyes. Jimin pursed his lips, shooting a glare at Jungkook. Namjoon tilted his head side to side, closing his eyes as he stretched his neck.

"Im starting to think I should've left one of you back at camp," Namjoon muttered.

"Ah yes, I'm the problem," Jimin scoffed.

"If we could stay alert, please?" Jungkook groaned.

"We should just go in there and get them out ourselves," Jimin stressed, "I don't know why you thought it was a good idea to let her go with only a fucking Bowie knife. We don't even know how many are in there or what their fucking intentions are. We could be waiting on dead people for all we know and it would be your fault!"

"Why didn't you stop me? Did you have a better plan?" Namjoon challenged.

Jimin clenched his jaw, "We have silencers. We could've gone in and out."

"And risk them fumbling and killing Yoongi out of spite?" Jungkook incredulously asked, "At first I was all for rushing in, but that could've gotten all of us killed. It's good to step back and not jump the gun every time something goes wrong."

Jimin raised an unimpressed brow, shrugging, "Beats me. I'll just shut the fuck up next time."

"If Mara has what it takes, she should be able to-" Namjoon halted, his abrupt silence catching the attention of the other two. Namjoon's eyes dragged over the forest line, and when the others followed his line of sight, their postures sagged with dread. Jimin gripped his gun, not taking his eyes off of them. Jungkook did the same, also taking out his tactical knife and holding it above his gun.

"Fuck me," Namjoon sighed.

Along the tree lines, tens of freaks stumbled into view, appearing almost like an army of soldiers marching into the battlefield. There was hardly a gap between them as they approached at a concerning speed. The three switched sides from where they hid behind trees, hoping to have not caught the attention of the dead that advanced closer and closer.

"The sound of the gunshot must've attracted them. They're heading straight for camp and only Hoseok is on post, maybe Taehyung," Namjoon rushed.

"What are you saying?" Jimin skeptically asked. Namjoon paused, seemingly in thought.

"I know camp walls are strong but if we want to avoid testing that, we're gonna need to divert the freaks. That or we head back to camp and brace," Namjoon said.

"What about Mara and Yoongi?" Jimin asked, receiving only a glance from Namjoon. Jimin leaned back, realization in his eyes.

"You told her you would wait out here," Jimin reminded Namjoon, incredulity in his voice at the implication of his words. He shook his head, scoffing, "I'm not leaving them."

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