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Abdulrazaq's POV.

She winks at me.
One troubling thing about marriage for me is that not everyone will know you're married unless they know you.

Girls flirt and throw themselves at you until you tell them you're married and some wouldn't care if you are.

Muzammil and I decided to go to a restaurant for lunch and the two girls across us have been sending signals.

If it was before I'd go there and talk to them just for fun now I just think of it as a complete waste of time.

Muzammil smiles "Aren't you going over there? Don't disappoint them"

"I'm not planning to, women are the last thing on my mind"
"Really? Should I believe that?"

I couldn't help but laugh "I can't deny that they're beautiful but my wife is gorgeous and she's all I need".

He looks at me unbelievably "There's something you're not telling me"
Then it clicked, I might have forgot to mention that my wife is pregnant.
He huffs "You're really not telling me something".

"It's no big deal, it's just that I'm going to be a father"

"Iqram is pregnant?"
I shrug "Yeah"

He stares at me "Is that really what our friendship amounts to?"
I roll my eyes "Stop being dramatic".

"Let's eat and get back to work since that's all this friendship is good for".
I shake my head, he's going to be like this for a while.


I park infront of the house, I completely forgot I left my keys in and Iqram locked up afterwards.

I turn off the car leaving the ac on and call my wife.
"Hey baby"
"Hi, how's work?"

"It's okay, are you home already?" She asks.
"Yeah but I left my keys inside the house"

She huffs "And I locked up, I'll try and finish up quickly"
"No need, just take your time. I need to get a few things anyway"

"Okay then. Bye"
I end the call and as you can tell I didn't have anything to do, I lied. I know Iqram and if she finds out I'm waiting out she'll leave whatever she's doing and come home.

A knock on my window brings me back to reality.
I smile when I see Sakinah.
"Everything okay?" She asks when I wind down the glass.

"I left my keys in and Iqram locked up afterwards".
"That's not good, so are you planning to wait out here until she gets back?"

I nod "That's the plan"
"That's a terrible idea"

I smile "Why?"
"You're wasting fuel and I'm sure it's not particularly comfortable, why don't you come in?"

I stare at her.
There's just something intriguing about her, something that gets you hooked apart from the obvious fact that she's benign and gorgeous.

"So? Will you?" She smiles, a very bewitching smile.

I nod "Of course".


"Are you serious?" She asks laughing her heart out.
I nod "Very serious, he seemed to be really interested".

"It seems even men have a thing for you".
"Well unlike in Nigeria being gay there is normal"

She laughs "At least I know I'm not the only one smitten by your looks"

I may have been out of touch for a while but I know when someone is flirting.
"Well as you've heard, guys are too" I joke.

She keeps laughing "You're really funny, there's never a dull moment with you. We should talk more".
"I'll be happy if I have a pleasure to, you're a fascinating woman"

She giggles "I'd like to think so"

She wants me to get her number and I will but not now, soon enough.
"And your brother? Is he still not back yet?"

Disappointment was evident on her face but she smiles anyway "No not yet, maybe next week".

"Your nephew?"
"He's with his uncle, he'll bring him back later".

I smile "Why don't you come over?"
She shakes her head "It might be a bit uncomfortable".

"Why?" I ask playing dumb. Of course it's going to be uncomfortable, she'd be with me and my wife.
She smiles "I'd rather not".

I nod.
My phone starts vibrating.
Iqram's name flashes on my screen.

"Time to go".


Kareema's POV.

I'm so excited breathing has become difficult.
Last week our parents made things official and I'll be married in a month time.

I know Kabir's mother and sisters hate me but they'll come to accept it eventually, when they realize that this marriage is happening whether they want it or not.

Kabir and his father are coming over and we'll be able to meet for the first time since I confronted our fathers.

I sit on the carpet leaning on the couch across Abbi and I can't help but feel nervous.
My brother went to open the gate for them.

My uncle always comes to our house every Friday, it's something that has been happening even before I was born but since they made things official things for me feel different.

The door opens and they both come in.
"Go sit next to your bride" his by father tells him with the widest smile.

He looked handsome as always, he never disappoints.
His father sits next to mine.
"Who would have thought this day would come?" Cawu asks. That's what we call him.

"And our relation continues"
Cawu turns to us "So? Before we let you two talk we want to make things clear and hear your opinions".

Kabir clears his throat "I don't want to get married to her"
Cawu huffs looking at him but no one says anything.

"I have a girl I love. I've dated her for 6years now and I've made promises to marry her. Everyone at home knows her and mama likes her as well. Why should I marry someone I have no feelings for? Don't force us to live in misery for the rest of our lives".

"Us?" I ask disappointedly "We'll make it work".
"I'll never like you".

My father turns to his older brother "Do we really have to force these children into something they don't want?" He asks worriedly.

I shake my head.
I want it.
I really do.
I want to marry Kabir.

Cawu looks at me "Do you want to marry him?"
I nod immediately "Yes, I do. I want to marry him".

Abbi looks at me with so much disappointment. "Why?"
I stay silent.

"Musa if she wants to let her be" Cawu turns to his son "You're marrying her and that's the last I'll hear of it".

He stands "Let's leave them to themselves".
Both men walk out.

Kabir and I sat in silence for over thirty minutes.
"Should I get you something?" I ask nervously.

He turns to me.
He looks angry, I was scared witless.
How can you love and fear someone so much?

"I'm leaving"
"But—" his expression made me silent.

He walks out calmly.
Even when he's angry he's calm, I love that about him.

I smile.
He's still going to be mine.


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