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Muktar's POV.

I hesitantly press the door bell.
Nazeer just back into town after traveling for months.

He and Yusrah traveled just a few weeks after their wedding.
He got back two weeks ago and he didn't call to tell anyone, not even our parents.

The door opens and I see Yusrah.
"Muktar" she smiles excitedly.

I say nothing.
"Come in" she says.

I sit on the couch as she sits next to me.
"Ya Nazeer?" I ask.

"He actually traveled to Abuja, he had an issue with his passport"
I nod.

"Did you tell him not to come see his family?"
She shakes her head "Why would I do that?"

"Because he's seen your entire family and he couldn't even call us"

"It breaks my heart to see that he doesn't give you attention because I always did"
I say nothing.

I know Yusrah is a flirt and everything but controlling my brother, that's her mother. She doesn't give a crap about Nazeer, she married him for two reasons. Firstly he was the only guy willing to marry her knowing her history with other men and secondly, she's doing it to fuck with me, for rejecting her.

"Are you really here to see him or me?" She asks as she scoots closer.

One thing was, she's good and every time she seduces me, it always works.
I can't help it.

Being here was dangerous.
I really thought I'd meet Nazeer but now that I'm here I regret coming.

I wanted to come here secretly to convince him before our parents find out he came back and didn't bother to go see them.

She puts her arm around my shoulder.
She still has the same vanilla scent.

But bro the moment her lips touched mine I knew it was a done deal.


Abdulrazaq's POV.

I'm going to be honest, one of the many reasons I really wanted to marry Khairat is because of her family.

Marriage isn't just about love.
That's why families investigate before a marriage. You don't want your child being in a family that is ridiculed and has a sour image.

You want a family you want your kids to grow up in, a family they'll learn from.

Her family aren't over the top rich, they're just comfortable. Her father was a retired Soldier and her mother has always been a house wife.

But her mother loves her, I mean her step mother. I only found out she was her step mother 3years into our relationship. They all love her a lot, not like their step sister or her step daughter.

She seems closer to them than some siblings who share the same parents.

I remember the issue I had with her older brother Hassan, he's the oldest then Rabi who I think still despises me. The last Ramla has always liked me though but there was a time she hated me too.

Hassan is way more protective of her than even Ramla, apparently she's more naive and I have to admit I noticed it.

People were more emotional when Khairat got into a university than Ramla, they all kept saying she was too young when in reality Ramla got into the university earlier than she did.

It was with him that I knew words hurt more than a blow.
He and I got along really well even though he's 2years older than I am.

When it happened all he said was "I truly hope you're happy and I really hope those tears she's shedding right now is a new beginning for her".

I know it might not mean much when people hear this but for someone who loves his sister so much to say something like that to you after throwing away 6years of his sister's life then it's really something.

But that's in the past. He has always supported her no matter what and since she told him she really, genuinely wanted to marry me, he's been cool but not like he was, he's a bit distant and sometimes he looks unsure about me.

"So? How has everything been going?" He asks.
"It's great, we signed the deal"
And he never mentions her unless he had to, he says for some people talking about their wives to her brother is uncomfortable and he never wants to put me in that position.

"That's comforting, you seem to be doing really well. I haven't seen you galavanting Kaduna state with your child anymore".

I huff "Her mother is always quick to hand her to me to get her out of her hair but now she has two other people always willing to do it".

He laughs "Lucky her then".
"What about the boys?" I ask.
He has 3sons, they all look exactly like him.

"I didn't bring them with me, they're there with their mother but I'm thinking of bringing them back here and sending them to boarding school"
He believes sons should be raised differently from girls, girls are to be treated delicately with affection and boys should know what the world entails, be ready for whatever the world throws at them.

If you think about what your son wears, how much he plays, how much he sleeps and rests you're ruining him, instead take him to a place that will make him appreciate everything he has and the efforts his family put on him and after that when he's done then nothing will seem like an issue or be threatening to him.

In his saying Experience Is A Man's Honor.

He was definitely raised by a soldier.


I patiently wait in Dr.Fayan's reception.
Safina and Khairat made me promised I'd go.

I missed my last 2 consultations which will not make him very happy.

A guy comes in and sits on a chair next to me as it was the only available one.
"First time here?" He asks.

I shake my head "More like a few years"
He nods "It's my first time, I'm nervous"

You can actually differentiate between someone who's a regular here and someone who's new.
The new ones aren't sure what it is they're doing here so they get nervous.

"I'm Abdulrazaq"
"Oh, Kabir" we shake hands.

"Kabir don't worry too much about it, he only ever gets worked up if you're ignorant".

"Thanks for the tip".
"You're welcome"

"Mr Abdulrazaq, he'll see you now" his secretary tells me.
I get up and walk in.


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