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Sometimes I'm really jealous of the relationship my husband has with his sister.

She's his everything, I know it's kind of similar to Muhammed and I but with him you can literally sense his affection for his baby sister.

And it got to another level with her mental health on the balance.
She keeps going to doctors who tell her she and her husband are both fine and can conceive but nothing happens.

She prays, fasts, gives sadaqah (voluntary charity). She has done all she can but nothing.

"Come on, you're still a guest to me" he says smiling widely.
I wish he's that affectionate with me.

"A guest? This is my house too" she jokes.
"Of course it is"

He looked so serious I wasn't so sure if he was joking.

"I should be on my way"
He stares at her "Already?"

She smiles "Yes, I have to go make dinner before Sadiq gets home".

Well I'm already 4months pregnant and really showing but I'm wearing a bubu so it's not visible.
"That looks great on you" she comments on my dress.

I smile "I might have copied your style".
"I knew that style was on another level"

I chuckle.
"Can I go now?" She asks with a pout.

He nods "We'll escort you out"
We both stand.

She shakes her head "Let the pregnant woman rest, you can escort me on your own".

He smiles "Okay"
I walk over and hug her "Drive safe"

She smiles "And take care of my niece".
"I will".


While he goes out to escort her I go to the kitchen to wash the dishes.
Minutes later my husband comes in and sits on the kitchen island, peeling a tangerine.

"She looks skinny, I'm worried about her"

I shake my head "She'll be fine"
"Will she? She has become a shadow of herself"

I rinse my hand and walk over to him. He puts his hands around my waist.
"You talked to her, tell me what's wrong with her".

I turn my head away "She knows how worried you get".

"So she asked you not to tell me?"
I nod.
"She's my sister, my baby sister. Iqram tell me what's wrong with her".

I huff.
P.S, it's not snitching when he's your husband.

"Her father in-law keeps pressuring her about a grandchild"

I nod gently rubbing his arms, soothing him before his outburst.
"He says he wants a grandchild and if he doesn't get it then Sadiq will remarry".

"He's stupid. Did she make herself barren? How are we sure he's not the one with the problem".

"Society doesn't care about that, if a couple doesn't have a child then it's automatically the wife's fault".

He huffs.
He's taking this better than I expected.

"Okay, since society thinks that way so be it. I'll take her for another test"
I shake my head, disagreeing "Please don't".

He jumps off the island "I'm not changing my mind".
"It's already hard enough for her, going for another round of tests will only make things worse for her. Please don't hurt her anymore".

He nods.
"You're right. She always cries her eyes out after every test, I can't be the reason for her tears".

I smile "Let's support her, that's what she needs. Support and love".
He hugs me "And I love you so much darling".


Sakinah has been behaving oddly and I really don't understand why.
I don't remember offending her in anyway.

So after Abdul went out I decided to use the opportunity to see her.

I baked cupcakes yesterday, packed a few and brought them along with me.
I knock on the door and patiently wait.

She opens the door and freezes, looking awkward.
"Hello neighbor" I say smiling widely.

She smiles awkwardly.
"Come in"

We enter the living room and sit.
"How're you?" I ask gleefully.

"I'm okay, I wasn't expecting you" she says nervously.
"I know, that was the whole point of my visit. Why are you avoiding me?"

She stares at the wall "I've just got a lot on my plate"
I smile "I'm a pregnant woman in an empty house with so much time, you can talk to me if you want to".

She looked uneasy which means there's something about me that makes her uncomfortable, like she's guilty about something.

"You can trust me, I won't judge you"

She takes a deep breath and smiles, less tensed.
"Well I'm in a bit of a pickle"

I raise my eyebrows "Okay, what's wrong?"
"I have feelings for a friend's man"

I stay quiet.
"Man? Her boyfriend?"

She nods "No, her husband"
I was lost for words. I didn't want to make her feel bad but I didn't want to encourage it too.

"Iqram I love him. It just happened and I can't get my mind off him, I think he likes me too. I tried getting work to get my mind off him but Ya Muhsin disagrees with me working now".

I stay silent.
"I know it's wrong and stupid" she says shamefully.

I shake my head "I understand you, I really do. When I first met Abdul it was that way too. It was love at first sight and it was so beautiful. It's still my favorite memory of us but you see back then he was dating someone else but it didn't matter to me, if he wanted to date me then I was willing too. And now we're married and she's history, I can't deny that sometimes when I think about her I feel bad but he and I are destined. I let things flow and they became more beautiful".

She smiles "So what you're saying is?"
"If it's meant to be it will but speaking honestly she's your friend, you'll lose your friendship".

"What would you do if you were in my place?"
I shake my head. I wanted to tell her to back off, he's married but I'd be a hypocrite because I know I wouldn't.

"I'd stay with him, every Muslim man is allowed to marry up to 4wives and if I'm destined to be one of them then I will, there's no changing that".

She smiles "Thanks a lot, I feel a lot better now".
"You're welcome" I smile "I need to use the bathroom".

She giggles "Let's go to my room".


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