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I keep hearing voices, really annoying voices and yelling.

After twisting and turning for a while I wake up and sit up on my bed.
"What the hell is going on?" I say half asleep.

I'm going back to work tomorrow and all I want is to sleep in peace.
Then the realization of what it could be makes me jump to my feet and rushing out.

I find both my wives in the living room arguing.

"I'm making him breakfast!"

"No, I am!"

"You can't even cook!"

"Have you ever eaten my cooking?!"

"It's obvious!"

"Whatever I'm cooking breakfast!"

"No, I am!"

"No, you're not".

"I am!"

"And who'll stop me?!"


I couldn't take hearing the annoying banter anymore, it felt like mosquitoes on a hot night.
"What is going on?"

They both turn around and look at me.
"Baby daddy"

I just stare at them.
"Why is making breakfast an issue today?"

Iqram walks over and links her arm with mine "You haven't eaten my cooking in a while".

Khairat folds her arms "But I want to make you breakfast".

I nod "Why can't you both make it?"
"Choose" they say in unison.

I had a 10hr lecture from my dad about choosing one over the other and the last thing I want is to choose one of them and end up receiving another traumatic 10hrs.

"No, either you both make it or I'm eating out" I give them an ultimatum.
They look at each other for while "Eat out"

"You see isn't that—Wait! What?!"
"Eat out" they say in unison.

"So you'd rather another woman cook for me?" I ask in shock.
"Better another woman than this snake" Iqram says glaring at Khairat.

Khairat scoffs "Look who's talking, hypocrite".
What surprises me is that Khairat has never been the type to argue over anything so the fact that she's arguing with Iqram over making breakfast baffles me.

"What did you call me?!"

"Yes! You're a hypocrite!"

"You don't even know me!"

"Well neither do you! Stop calling me a snake!"

"You are!"

I huff and leave the two.
Hopefully they'll get tired and stop.
I was even afraid of walking into a kitchen to get something to eat while they argue.
Because then I'd have to choose which kitchen to eat from and that itself is going to cause an argument.


Khairat's POV.

Being here right now feels so surreal.

As I lie down on my bed in my home staring at the ceiling I can't help but remember this day a year ago, still heartbroken that the one guy I loved left me for someone else.

I didn't fight for him or ask why because I was afraid it would hurt even more to hear the reasons when I know it wouldn't change his mind.

I tried everything in my being to forget him, even putting it in prayers and all that. Praying I meet someone who actually loves and values me and here I am.

I never thought I'd actually marry Abdulrazaq but I did. Although he has another wife and daughter honestly it doesn't matter to me. Life has taught me to appreciate things I can't change and appreciate moments that matter.

Honestly fighting and arguing with Iqram isn't something I'm interested in, especially because I know Abdulrazaq can't stand both because of his attitude and illness.

But that girl is spoilt, she doesn't know how to accept things as they are or make do with what she has and so until she gets in her right senses, things won't be easy for her.

I know if we don't get it out of our system now, then things will forever be just as messed. I don't want my children always fighting and arguing with their siblings, the fact that they don't have the same mother doesn't matter.

I have three step siblings, Rabi, Ramla and Hassan. My mother is the second wife and I'm the third child but you'd never know we have different mothers. My mother died shortly after I was born and their mother raised me but she treats us equally.

She's still angry that I married Abdul, I know he'd do anything for me and that's all that matters, that's the kind of life I want for my children, where they'd feel safe.

"You okay?"

I turn around and look at Abdulrazaq, standing by the door.
"Yeah I'm fine".

"You seem out of it"
I smile "Yeah, I'm just thinking about resuming work"

He nods "Tell me whatever you need to start over, okay?"
"I'm so lucky"

He smiles widely "Thanks for making me happy"
I blush "you're welcome. Are you going out?"

He nods "I need to go see Safina"
I immediately sit up "Have you talked to the doctor yet?"

He shakes his head "I'll stop by first".
I walk over, standing in front of him "Drive safely"

He nods smiling.
I get on my tip toes and kiss him "See you later then".
He smiles and walks out.


Abdulrazaq's POV.

I couldn't think straight.
I called Sadiq immediately I left the hospital, to meet me in my parent's house.

I enter the living room and find Baba watching while Ammi and Safina sat together across him, my sister was resting her head on my mother's shoulder using her phone as my mother watched tv.

"Hamma" she say's excitedly when she sees me.
Both my parents turn around looking at me, since my wedding they've been giving me the same look they gave my sister when we thought she was unproductive.

"Hamma kuma (again)?" Ammi asks "When did that start?"

Hamma was a name my parents made Safina call me when we were younger but somewhere along the line it disappeared, last month she suddenly remembered and has been calling me that since then.

She nods "We like the name"

"What's wrong?" Baba asks noticing my reaction.
I take a deep breath.

My mom looks at me alarmed "Babana, what's wrong?" She stands and walks over to me.

"Sadiq is sterile"


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