What Lies Beyond Our Universe?

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Before we start

I am not describing a rocket ship takeoff

So just deal with it

Thank you



I stared out the windshield (space shield?) of the control room into the empty, infinite space in front of us. We had left Earth about two hours ago, and the blue, life-filled planet was behind us. I was gonna miss it, but we'd be back. I had no intentions to stay on Xero when we got there - we're only going to help Blaza.

That's what matters right now.

I heard the door open, and I turned to see Blaza walking into the bridge. 

"So..." He said, "This is space."

"Yeah, basically," I replied, "And there's a lot of it between here and Xero."

Blaza looked out the wind/space shield and gazed at the stars around us. I could see the different planets in the system, looking like tiny stars in the distance. I double checked the autopilot to make sure we were on the right course.

"How far away even is Xero?" Blaza asked.

"It's about a two-month journey," I replied, "Unless we take the shortcut."

Blaza looked at me, slightly worried. "Shortcut?"

"Well, since we have enough fuel, we should be able to go back through the black hole I came through."


"Don't worry," I said, "The ship's designed to be able to handle that much pressure, and there are shields to protect against it as well... And, like, two other backup shields."

"And they're fixed?" Blaza questioned nervously.

"I wouldn't leave without them being fixed in the first place," I said.

Blaza, although still worried about the whole black hole thing, nodded.


(Day 7)

We've reached the black hole.

I saw nothing in front of us, but I knew it was there. It blends into the space around it, letting no light from inside escape. But I had sensors on the ship to detect it, so I knew the exact position of it.

Blaza and Meme were standing beside me, while everyone else was behind us. I noticed how Oompa and Dusk were purposefully standing on opposite sides of the bridge from each other. Probably still rough between them.

"Will this... Damage the ship in any way?" Meme asked.

"No," I said. I thought for a moment. "Most likely, no."

"I don't like those odds that much," Meme said.

"Well, I was very careful when rebuilding this thing, so we should be fine," I said.

Blaza came closer to me. "What if it isn't?"

I sighed. "A friend of mine once told me... If you're afraid of falling, don't look down."

I looked at Blaza. "Do you trust me?"

Blaza looked out into the empty space in front of us, where the black hole was hidden in plain sight. He turned back to me, determination in his expression.

"I would follow you anywhere," he said.

Those were his final words before we entered the black abyss.


(Day 20)


We had exited the black hole a few days ago, and thankfully everyone made it out safe.

I was exploring the ship when I just found this empty room. Nothing in it, it was just empty, with a window on one side revealing open space. It was pretty cool, actually.

While I was just standing there, I decided to pull out my scythe. I had only ever used it twice, the first being when I was fighting Vizor, and the second being when I was stopping Blizor (haha yes that's his name) from killing Akik. I thought that maybe, if we ran into trouble, I wouldn't just be a burden if I knew how to fight.

The scythe formed in my hand, the light from the stars reflecting off of its metallic surface. It was really a beautiful weapon, if you looked at it the right way. Maybe I wouldn't have to use it.

But better safe than sorry.

"Plotting ways to murder us in our sleep?"

I turned and saw Oompa standing in the doorway.

I sighed. "Just leave me alone, your the last person I want to see right now."

"I don't wanna leave you unattended," Oompa said, "Who knows what you'll do, with that thing."

"If you're referring to Oof, that was Vizor controlling Blaza," I stated, "I had nothing to do with it, and find it absurd that you would think I did!"

"Yeah, but the Vizor guy's your dad," Oompa said, "I know a lot of stories about betrayal and such, and bloodlines are the number one cause of turning."

"Well, first off, I hate Vizor possibly more than everyone else on this ship combined," I explained, "And I also don't know my mom, so you have nothing to worry about there."

"Any siblings?"

"My brother, Twilight, died when I was younger."


"I'd rather not talk about it."

Oompa looked at me skeptically. "Seems pretty sus to me."

"Just teasiae yean, you zaitornen," I retorted.

Oompa sighed. "Alright. Fine. But I'm keeping my eye on you."

And at that, he walked off down the hallway.


(Day 32)


I sat on the bed and stared at the ceiling. My thoughts seemed to bounce around in my mind, and I could still hear Vizor trying to tell me what to do.

"You don't have to follow that son of a yhenj," he said, "You could rule them all."

"Yeah, no," I snapped, "Just leave me alone."

I heard him growl, but he remained silent. Good to know that I have at least some control over him, since he's in my body.

And as if things just couldn't get any worse.

The sirens went off.



892 words

Yeah this skipped around a bit :D

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