Chapter 11: Uncertainty

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"Inside the castle? That won't be easy. There are a lot of powerful figures residing in the castle." Indigo said.

Bishop brings out a file of documents and hands it over to Indigo and Crisis.
They accepted it and opens the folder.

It was the list of persons of interest. As they scroll their eyes down a person's name caught them in surprise.

"Whilst Cleiston? Why does the name of the ambassador in here?"

Bishop flips the document open in his hands. "You're familiar with him? Aside from the rumors?"

"I've seen him together with the king in a celebration hosted by Baron Rosalia."

Whilst Cleiston. Appointed as the ambassador by the king with his special abilities. Many coveted his abilities and the king is one of them.

He was originally a scholar from the marquisate and was highly sponsored. It was said that he betrayed the marquisate, an anti-fraction noble, to allied the king.

He's one of the geniuses that this era has.

"He might seem like a powerhouse with all he has but he is also notorious considering that he once betrayed the enemy of the king and followed him."

"The rumors are true, then." Crisis added.

"Exactly. And he was on the list because he was before a student of Szcznaya Tower."

"Wait what? If he was one then I must have recognized him before. I'm also a student there. There's no student in the tower I'm not familiar with. Even though he was three years older than me."

Bishop sighed. "I knew it." He lowly muttered.

Indigo caught the words from Bishop and directly asked him. "What do you mean by that, Bishop?"

He took moments before answering. "The years of study of Szcznaya Tower is seven years. Therefore, in Crisis's concern, Whilst Cleiston must have his senior in his years. Only those who are worthy can finish their studies there. Resulting in lesser students." He explained, putting a sugar cube in his refilled tea.

"The tower has high standards for young people. Because their teachings there are not easy to deal with. Considering that all who teach there are all outstanding in their degree. Crisis is an example. Whereas his abilities and excellence excel vastly that makes him more different."

"Now then, Whilst Cleiston was originally a former student there, as I said. He has a lot of high title holders backing him up. The tower is one of them now that the king is in authority."

Crisis's eyebrows raised. As far as he knows the tower doesn't involve their selves with nobility. An independent organization that has struggled way up to earn the title of 'Lion's Den Tower' of the north because of its extreme ways of teaching prodigies.

They only see aristocrats looking down on them knowing that they don't accept nobles as their students. Despite many contradictions of other people, the tower remains, and even more raised talented people, or rather 'monsters'.

The clear thing is that the tower and nobility are having an adverse relationship. The question arising in this situation is why the king has the tower's authority which is unreasonable knowing the tower's hostility to nobles, let alone the king.

Did the king seize the authority from the tower? Or might the tower decide to ally with the king?

It's all nonsense that Crisis thought but the uneasiness surges up inside him. For sure it was not a good feeling he assume.

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