Chapter 12: The Novel

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A man with white hair and glistening ocean-deep blue eyes was standing in a room where light barely escapes.

He stares at a huge portrait of a woman. The woman in the portrait has the most beautiful scarlet hair and eyes. She smiles with pure elegance and sparks in her eyes.

The woman was the man's deceased mother, the duke's wife, Aurelia Mircalla Sevonachiege.
His mother died when he was entering childhood, and though the memories he had with his mother are fuzzy it was all warm.

"Master," A voice called him.

"Father. Where is he?" He asked still looking at the portrait.

"His Grace hasn't come back yet. His return was delayed due to some complications he needs to take care of."

"Is that so? Did he say something?"

The butler paused as he thoroughly think about what to say.

"His Grace tasked you to accompany the young master to the central plaza after his done recovering." The butler eyed the man in front observing what reaction he would make.

"How is he today?"

"The young master has rested for a week in the dukedom and his recovery is favorable. He's doing well." The butler replied.

"Alright, set the date for the week so he can prepare." Their conversation ended there and the butler was excused.

Raffael took one glance at the portrait before leaving.

Something's off.

He thought as he exited the room.

He ought to head to his brother's workplace for the clarifications of the embezzlement case they handle.

He's still feeling anxious he can't explain while walking down the corridor. He doesn't understand why he feels this every time he set foot in this home.

Even before he came here, he already felt it.

Raffael sighed.

He doesn't know how to face him anymore after what happened yet his father asked him to take him to the central plaza.

This will be a disaster.

That kid despises me. Even approaching him will make his eyes tremble.

Raffael's turned sour as he let out a groan.

He caressed the bracelet hanging on his wrist, remembering the young child who gave the bracelet to him with glimmering sparkles in his eyes.

"Master Raffael, the carriage is ready."

A servant appeared behind him. He saw the carriage outside waiting on standby. Raffael then step outside and got inside the carriage.

A few minutes later the carriage stopped at the entrance of a huge building. The carriage horseman opened the door for him.

As Raffael entered the building he quickly saw the man sitting on the couch reading a book while enjoying sipping his black tea.

It was a person that barely makes his presence, doesn't like attention too much.

"Percival," Raffael called.

The man halted from sipping his tea and look at Raffael who called him.

"My, aren't you, Raffael? Looking for your brother?" He asked. Raffael gave him a hum reply.

Pervical is an Onun affinity holder. He has only one magic that he welds and it's lightning magic. However, despite being an onun he has incredible power to overpass any elements. He might not always be present, but he is extremely aware of what events happening in the guild.

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